On Wednesday, December 1, 2021, the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a summary of data taken between May 21, 2020 through August 26, 2021 across 49 states, New York City (NYC), DC, Puerto Rico (PR), and Guam (GU) detailing COVID-19 data for children. 


Overall, there were 4,797,683 total child COVID-19 cases reported, despite this overwhelming number, children tend to show less severe symptoms to the virus than adults. Among 24 states and New York City only .one-tenth to 1.9 percent of children’s cases resulted in hospitalizations, making up 1.6 percent to 3.6 percent of all COVID-19 hospitalizations. 


Nationally, three-tenth of a percent of children’s cases in 45 states plus New York City, Puerto Rico, and Guam, resulted in death. Seven states reported no child COVID-19 deaths. Vermont had the highest percentage of child cases, and Florida had the lowest percentage. Overall, Vermont had the second-to-lowest, cumulative number of children COVID-19 cases, and Florida had the second-highest cases.

The report is limited because some states did not participate in reporting mortality rates, testing, or hospitalizations for children. Moreover, Massachusetts, New York, Nebraska, and Texas did not report age distribution of cases. Additionally, the age range of those considered “children” differ among states; state-by-state definitions of children vary from ages 0-17, 0-18, 0-19, or 0-20. From gathered information, AAP and CHA concluded that children represent 14.8% of all COVID-19 cases nationally. 


This data is not final and is subject to change and revision as health departments continue to gather more data. The most recent report is available on the AAP website, and new reports are made available weekly at www.aap.org/CovidStateData