Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information, News, & Resources
for Child Welfare Professionals and Others
A Message on COVID-19 from CWLA:
When CWLA was founded 100 years ago, our focus was on issues that impacted the survival of children. One hundred years later, we are in an unprecedented situation with the COVID-19 pandemic impacting our communities and threatening the health, safety, and well-being of children, youth, and families, and the workforce that serves them. We once again take up the mantle to support you as you navigate the critical waters of not only addressing the health, safety, and well-being of your children, families, and communities, but of those who work with them.
We have created this webpage to share tips, sample policies and protocols, and resources that we have been collecting. As we have been hearing your concerns, we have been raising them on Capitol Hill and advocating for what is needed to support your work during this unprecedented time. There is no roadmap to follow, but we do know that supporting each other and sharing what we know, what has been tried, and what is working are the things that will help us make it through.
Visit for the most up-to-date information on the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Please feel free to email to ask questions, communicate challenges that you might be experiencing, and share additional resources for posting here.
Thank you for all that you do on behalf of children, families, and communities.
Christine James-Brown
CWLA President and CEO
CWLA Press Statement: In Troubled Times, Advocating for Children and Young People who are Vulnerable
At the CWLA Annual Meeting of Members held virtually on June 12, 2020 Board Chair, Dr. Keith Liederman (CEO, Kingsley House) and CWLA CEO, Christine James-Brown, highlighted the vital services provided to children and families across the country and acknowledged the precious lives lost during the pandemic. CWLA Tribute: Child Welfare Response to Coronavirus
CWLA’s Training Team Message
Check out Former Foster Youth Discuss COVID-19 Impact
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Overview
The CDC recommends that individuals receive a COVID-19 vaccine and has issued guidance for who should receive one as each state develops their protocols. By getting a vaccine when it is available, individuals can help protect themselves and the people around them. Studies show that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective in preventing severe illness from COVID-19. In addition, the CDC recommends that individuals who have received a vaccination still should wear a well-fitted mask and practice social distancing.
Here is some additional information from the CDC:
Currently, vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen are authorized and recommended to prevent COVID-19. *
*updated March 8, 2021
The CDC reports that masks are a two-way street of protecting yourself and others from getting and spreading COVID-19. “They provide a barrier that keeps respiratory droplets from spreading. Wear a mask and take every day preventive actions in public settings.”
CDC Compiles New Guidelines to Help Organizations Reopen
The CDC offers guidelines to help organizations reopen and still maintain a certain level of safety amid thoughts of reopening certain businesses and schools.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Cornavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
This website includes important information under: What You Should Know; Situation Updates; and Information For. Under each tab is information on what you should know about symptoms, how you should reaction, updates on the latest outbreaks and other information and targeted information for communities, schools and other settings.
The CDC has offered guidance on cloth face covers, including recommendations and instructions for making masks at home.
- Helping to Get and Keep America Open
- Households Living in Close Quarters
- Investigating and responding to COVID-19 cases at homeless service provider sites
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
Johns Hopkins — experts in global public health, infectious disease, and emergency preparedness — has been at the forefront of the international response to COVID-19. This website is a resource to help advance the understanding of the virus, inform the public, and brief policy-makers in order to guide responses, improve care, and save lives.
World Health Organization: Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Situation
International information, including the status of each country around the globe.
White House, Congressional, and Federal Responses
This provides an overview of the COVID-19 stimulus bill that was passed, and it covers the Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, Uninsured, and Private health care provisions of the bill.
This letter is from Elizabeth Darling, Commissioner of the Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, to child welfare professionals and agencies providing general guidance to states on preparation and funding to address COVID-19.
Children’s Bureau COVID-19 Resource Webpage
This webpage compiles COVID-19 resources from HHS and the CDC and includes resources regarding children in foster care, foster care providers, the child welfare workforce, and more.
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (OSPE) compiled a document in response to the pressing need for broadband access as casework, service delivery, and learning have moved online. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration has a comprehensive guide to all federal funding opportunities for broadband on BroadbandUSA.
Child Welfare Policy Manual Revised Q/A 7.3 #8
Under limited circumstances, a caseworker and child in foster care can meet over a video call.
March 12, 2020 Letter from Associate Commissioner Milner
The Children’s Bureau provided guidance to child welfare leaders on immediate action to contact all youth in care, or youth formerly in care, to assist with securing housing support due to colleges and universities being closed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Children’s Bureau Child Legal and Judicial Letter
On March 27, Associate Commissioner of the Children’s Bureau Dr. Jerry Milner released a letter to child welfare and judicial leaders addressing the requirements related to judicial proceedings during the COVID-19 public health challenge. Also, the Children’s Bureau provides low-cost or no-cost technology options that can be used to facilitate child welfare-related communication.
ACF Information Memorandum: IM-ACF-OA-2020-01
The Administration for Children and Families provides information dealing with grant flexibilities in conducting human service activities related to or affected by COVID-19, including short-term relief for administrative, financial management, and audit requirements.
Child Welfare Letter on Kinship Navigator and Transition Grant Flexibilities
The Children’s Bureau issued additional flexibilities on April 1, 2020, in light of the challenges surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, including extending the deadline for Kinship Navigator Funding to May 1, 2020, and not requiring a separate application for the new $500 million Family First Transition Act funding.
Child Welfare Agencies’ and Courts’ Responses
A Message on COVID-19 from the Children’s Bureau
The Children’s Bureau provides information on preventative actions and shares links to the CDC’s guidelines on school children and long-term care facilities similar to childcare institutions in which some children in foster care are placed.
Virtual Case Management Considerations for Human Services Programs
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) released a brief on virtual case management considerations in human services programs with additional resources.
COVID-19 and Child Welfare Cases
The ABA Center on Children and the Law offers a webinar recording with Dr. Jerry Milner, Judge Ernestine Gray, David Kelly, Kathleen Creamer, and Prudence Beidler Carr, highlighting the federal government’s recent guidance on emerging legal issues in child welfare cases.
Arizona’s COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information and Resources
In Arizona, the Department of Child Safety (DCS) has developed a webpage to post all DCS-related COVID-19 updates. They include letters to various stakeholders — including parents, caregivers, and providers — guidance for conducting home visits, and more.
California’s COVID-19 Information
In California, the Department of Social Services (CDSS) webpage provides guidance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic related to child welfare visitation, contacts, and more.
- All County Letter Regarding Child Welfare and Probation Caseworker Visitation with Children and Families
- Newsom Executive Order Allows CDSS to Waive Certain Requirements for Child Welfare Visits (#8 on page 4)
- The Judicial Council of California Emergency Rules in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
California’s Coronavirus Information and Guidelines for Children’s Residential Facilities
In California, the Department of Social Services (CDSS) provides information and guidance to all licensed children’s residential facilities on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in homes and residential communities.
Florida’s Child Welfare Agency Safeguards Clients and Employees by Closing Storefronts
In Florida, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) temporarily closed its storefronts. The Florida DCF Secretary encourages people to use ACCESS Self-Service Portal to apply for benefits, upload documents, and report changes. Dropboxes at storefront locations are also available.
Louisiana COVID-19 Guidance for Foster Parents
The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) webpage provides up-to-date information on COVID-19 and the impact on foster/kin caregivers, including 24-hour Support for Foster Families.
Maine Child and Family Services COVID-19 Response
Maine’s Office of Child and Family Services webpage provides guidance for children’s behavioral health, childcare licensing, childcare subsidy, and child welfare.
- Letter to Parents Regarding Visitation with Children
- Home and Community Treatment Guidance for Behavioral Health Providers
- Recommended Guidance for Child Care Providers
- Guidance for Behavioral Health Providers
- Guidance Memo for Educators, Health Care Providers, and Community Members
- Guidance Info Graphic for Educators, Health Care Providers, and Community Members Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect
Maryland Congregate Housing Guidance
The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) provided guidance for smaller congregate living facilities such as residential treatment centers and group homes.
Minnesota Department of Human Services COVID-19 Resource Page
Updates for health care workers, license holders, county and tribal workers, grantees, and other program administrators.
Minnesota Department of Health: Community Settings Guidance
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) provides recommendations for congregate living facilities including shelters, group homes, and residential treatment facilities.
NYC Coronavirus/COVID-19 Information & Guidance
The New York City Administration for Children’s Services (NYC ACS) has developed a COVID-19 information page on their website that provides an ample amount of information: general information (symptoms, prevention, etc.) regarding COVID-19, parent/caretaker questions regarding ACS involvement, NYC Family Court, guidance on caring for children with symptoms at home, emergency guidance for ACS and contracted provider agency staff, and child care assistance.
Additional guidance for ACS contracted provider agency staff includes:
- Letter to Human Service Providers regarding advanced payments and reimbursement
- ACS Emergency Guidance for Foster Care Providers
- ACS Guidance for Prevention Providers
- ACS Emergency Guidance for Family Team Conferencing during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- ACS Emergency Guidance Regarding Referral and Acceptance of Placement Referrals from OPA to Foster Care Agencies
- ACS Emergency Guidance for Congregate Care Providers
Coronavirus and Ohio Children Services FAQ
The Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services offers a Frequently Asked Questions page in response to COVID-19 and its effects on child and family services.
Ohio Children’s Alliance COVID-19 Resources
This webpage includes daily updates and resources for providers: child welfare and home visitors and behavioral health professionals. In addition, this webpage has resources for employers and information for workplaces. Ohio Children’s Alliance Lends Voice to COVID-19 Nonprofit Relief Efforts
Tennessee DCS Guidance on COVID-19
This webpage provides information on the coronavirus outbreak specific to DCS staff, foster parents, and private providers, including guidance for staff and facilities, resources for children, and guidance to private providers from DCS.
Utah Leads Together Coronavirus Response
The Utah Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) COVID-19 provides a reference guide with guidelines offering reasonable adjustments for safety and well-being of staff and the community. Resources include procedures for confirmed cases of COVID-19, foster care home visits, guidance for ICPC, and more.
March 18, 2020 Letter to Childcare Providers
The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) provides guidance to childcare providers on protecting and reducing the spread of COVID-19.
Washington’s child welfare response
The Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCTF) provides its statewide plan to address the spread of COVID-19.
Childcare Resources & Recommendations
Parent and Caretaker Resources and Recommendations
School Resources & Recommendations
The Child Welfare League of Canada (CWLC) webpage offers a listing of resources for parents, youth, and caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Conducting Effective Remote Hearings in Child Welfare Cases
The Capacity Building Center for Courts provides a tool for court administrative staff, clerks, and others coordinating the hearings including special considerations for all parties.
The Family Justice Initiative webpage provides details related to high-quality legal representation to children and parents during the pandemic, including sample letters to courts and child welfare agencies and resources for working with children and youth.
Educational Resources
Education for Children in Foster Care
The Legal Center for Foster Care and Education created the following resources to assist local jurisdictions with education for youth in foster care during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, a comprehensive checklist was developed to guide local education agencies (LEAs) and child welfare agencies during COVID-19.
Nonprofit Resources
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)
The $2 trillion economic stimulus package that Congress passed on Friday, March 27, 2020 provides immediate relief for individuals, nonprofits, businesses, and state and local governments.
National Council of Nonprofits
This page provides the latest information and resources that nonprofits can use to prepare and respond to COVID-19.
This webpage is dedicated to COVID-19 resources, webinars and relevant information the Independent Sector’s press release: Independent Sector Calls on Financial Organizations to Prioritize Nonprofits as Loan Recipients Under CARES Act.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources
The Small Business Administration (SBA) has provided a resource page for small businesses accessing federal resources and navigating SBA loans and debt relief options.
LinkedIn has developed two new initiatives to help nonprofits that provide health care and emergency aid in response to coronavirus pandemic: Recruiting for Good and Talent Marketplace.
The UST webpage provides the latest COVID-19 employer updates and resources for nonprofits on information on the CARES Act, Families First Coronavirus Response Act, and other essential COVID-19 employer resources.
CASE at Duke’s COVID-19 Capital Relief Resource
The Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE) at Duke’s Fuqua School of Business has built a comprehensive, searchable database that includes grants, loans, and other cash equivalents to support entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and businesses globally.
Protecting Your Finances During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) webpage is dedicated to up-to-date information and resources to protect and manage your finances during the coronavirus pandemic. Resources include assistance to help for small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Guidance for Youth and Homeless Populations
Guidance for Addressing Youth who are Runaway and Homeless about COVID-19
The Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) Runaway and Homeless Youth Training & Technical Assistance Center (RHYTTAC) guidance in addressing COVID-19 in your organization and community in a number of areas including transitional living programs and faith-based and community organizations.
Five Strategies to Help Homeless Youth Transition to College During COVID-19
School House Connection (SHC) have provided five strategies to help keep the dream of a postsecondary education alive for youth experiencing homelessness, during and beyond these troubled times.
COVID-19 Resources to Support Justice-Involved Youth
The American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) COVID-19 response information hub from organizations, state and county actions, policy guidance, and media coverage.
Foster Youth & COVID-19 Research Study
The Field Center for Children’s Policy, Practice & Research at the University of Pennsylvania is conducting a research study on the experiences of 18-23 year olds in foster care or who aged out of care during the COVID19 pandemic related to housing, food security, education, employment, finances, health, and personal connections.
Resources to Support Youth and Families During the Coronavirus COVID-19 Outbreak
The Youth.Gov webpage provides resources on topics affecting youth and how supportive adults can help, including mental health information and additional resources.
Florida’s Children First COVID-19 Tips & Resources
Florida’s Children First, along with members of Florida Youth SHINE, provides a resource page tailored to the special population of young people.
- Economic Stimulus Payment Tip Sheet
- Income Tax Tip Sheet
- Reemployment Assistance (Unemployment Insurance)
Coping with Covid-19: Housing & Economic Security for Former Foster Youth in College
The National Center for Housing and Child Welfare (NCHCW) and ACTION Ohio tool to address issues that youth formerly in foster care have to navigate in response to COVID-19 and schools’ closing of dorms and facilities—including taking advantage of the Foster Youth to Independence Initiative.
The Youth Law Center’s COVID-19 Resources
The Youth Law Center (YLC) page includes resources for individuals to advocate for and with youth and families that are involved in the foster care and juvenile justice systems. Resources include the following:
- YLC’s Emergency Planning for Transition Age Youth in Foster Care
- YLC’s Emergency Planning for Youth in Congregate Care
Kansas’s Eviction/Foreclosure Moratorium
Kansas Governor Laura Kelly (D) issued an executive order (No. 20-10) prohibiting certain evictions of foreclosures if they are caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic. Kansas Appleseed provided an analysis of the executive order.
This webpage provides a list of resources, information, and opportunities for youth currently or formerly in foster care. If you have an item to add or need emergency assistance, please email or call 503-717-1552.
Supporting Child Welfare’s Systematic Response to COVID-19
THINK OF US is setting up a command center staffed by youth formerly in foster care and other subject matter experts. There will be a collection and tracking of emergent youth needs as reported by youth, direct service providers, and state/local agencies.
If you are looking for ways to help students who are in foster care or experiencing homelessness, the Juvenile Law Center, The Hope Center, and SchoolHouse Connection have provided specific actions you can take.
COVID-19 Resources for Youth Homelessness Providers
The National Network for Youth (NN4Y) compiled a list or resources and information for homelessness service providers and schools for children, youth, and families who are vulnerable or difficult to serve.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for Homelessness Services
This page includes resources from the CDC, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Education, and more. There are guides for service providers on how to plan for and prevent an outbreak in homeless communities.
HUD COVID-19 Resources and Fact Sheets
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides COVID-19 information and a resource page.
Resources for Social Workers and Parents
Supportive Virtual Family Time Program
The Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence offers a free program and training for both private-agency supervised visitation providers and child welfare caseworkers supervising virtual parent-child visits.
Health Care Providers Practice Bulletins
Chapin Hall has released two new tools to help health care providers address social needs with families.
- Practice Bulletin: Conversations with Families to Assess Needs
- Practice Bulletin: Community Resources for Patient Referrals
The Child Mind Institute resource page details telehealth treatment for kids, what to expect, and how to get the most out of telehealth.
The Developmental Disabilities Clinics at the Yale Child Study Center has compiled autism-specific resources for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families.
Helping Children Cope During and After a Disaster: A Resource Guide for Parents and Caregivers
The CDC has published a resource guide for parents and caregivers highlighting what you can do to help children cope with a disaster. The guide includes tips to help reduce stress before, during, and after a disaster or a traumatic event and an activity sheet for young children.
How To Cope With Sheltering in Place
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) tip sheet offers advice on how to cope with sheltering in place, including ways to care for yourself and your family during the experience.
Supporting Clients in Under-resourced Communities
Child Trends and BRICK (Building Resilient Intelligent Creative Kids) Education Network offer a tip guide based on promising practices implemented by South Ward Promise Neighborhood Partner agencies, with strategies to help frontline staff support their clients while working remotely.
Strategies to Support the Administration of Direct Service Provision
Child Trends’ tip guide, based on promising practices implemented by South Ward Promise Neighborhood Partner agencies, offers strategies to help administrators and supervisors support frontline staff who work with clients remotely.
“It Takes a Village: Child Welfare in a Pandemic”
The Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW) offers a new podcast series that highlights how COVID-19 is shifting the everyday lives and work of frontline child welfare professionals and the children and families they serve across the state of Minnesota. This page also covers a wide range of topics and will feature interviews with researchers, policy-makers, frontline child welfare workers, community members, youth, and many others. Download and listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, GooglePlay, Spotify, and SoundCloud. You can also listen to the podcast on the CASCW YouTube channel.
Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus Crisis
The Child Mind Institute’s resource page to supporting families during COVID-19 to support kids in coping with the coronavirus crisis. This document explores how kids worry more when they are kept in the dark and provides tips for parents and caregivers on what to say.
Supporting the Virtual Workforce
The NCWWI current webinar series, providing a platform for child welfare colleagues to exchange ideas, innovations, and resources for supporting a workforce that has now become virtual.
Child Traumatic Stress Resources
The UCLA-Duke University National Center for Child Traumatic Stress (NCCTS) and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) resources in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope with COVID-19 (translated in Spanish and Mandarin)
- Simple Activities for Children and Adolescents amidst COVID-19 outbreak
- Supporting Children During Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for Parents
- Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for Youth High School and College Age
- Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for School Staff
- Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for Community Organizations and Leaders
- Family Resilience and Traumatic Stress: A Guide for Mental Health Providers
- Helping Children with Traumatic Separation or Traumatic Grief Related to COVID-19
- Taking Care of Yourself
COVID-19: Policies to Protect People and Communities
Urban Institute’s page containing the latest information to provide clarity, insight, and evidence-based solutions as this global crisis evolves. Featured newsletter and various posts including What Young Parents Need to Weather the COVID-19 Crisis and Stabilizing Supports for Children and Families during the Pandemic.
Remote Casework: For Child Welfare Stakeholders in the Time of COVID-19
The University of Buffalo whitepaper provides evidence-informed guidance for child welfare stakeholders about the use of technology for remote and virtual casework during COVID-19. Best practices and tips are provided for agencies, workers, foster parents, parents/family members, foster youth and policy makers.
Free Personal Protective Equipment Training for Healthcare and Direct Care Workers
The University of Southern Maine’s Cutler Institute has developed a no-cost, web-based training program on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) by workers in various care settings, including outpatient medical offices, dental care offices, long-term care facilities, acute care facilities, and direct care.
The Developmental Disabilities Clinics at the Yale Child Study Center compiled autism specific resources for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families.
Helping Children Cope During and After a Disaster: A Resource Guide for Parents and Caregivers
The CDC published resource guide for parents and caregivers highlighting what you can do to help children cope with a disaster includes tips to help reduce stress before, during, and after a disaster or a traumatic event and an activity sheet for young children.
How To Cope With Sheltering in Place
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) tip sheet on how to cope with sheltering in place including ways to care for yourself and your family during the experience.
Prevent Child Abuse Coronavirus Resources
Prevent Child Abuse America webpage provides coronavirus resources and tips for parents, children, and others.
Caring for Children in Foster Care During COVID-19
Healthy Children addresses caring for children and youth in foster care during the coronavirus pandemic knowing that many of these children have experienced trauma and are vulnerable to the current changes like physical distancing.
COVID 19: Resources for Kinship Caregivers in NYS
NYS Kinship Navigator dedicated webpage for kinship caregivers in all of New York’s 62 counties providing information and guidance.
Providing Telemental Health Services Now and Beyond
The Relias resource page contains free telehealth courses, articles, and resources to support individuals, staff, and communities on how to leverage telehealth services.
Governor DeWine Signs Second Telehealth Executive Order
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed a second executive order that will allow Ohioans to more easily access telehealth services from counselors and social workers.
Terrorism and Disaster Center for Child and Family Resilience
The Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center has received funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to establish the Terrorism and Disaster Coalition for Child and Family Resilience (TDC4), a center in the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). TDC4 has collected resources to guide parents, caregivers, and other adults in how to assist children and families when facing isolation or other issues related to COVID-19.
Worker Safety and Health During COVID-19 Pandemic Rights and Resources
The National Employment Law Project (NELP) created a toolkit for workers, their advocates, and allies to help protect the rights of employees during this public health emergency.
Ten Steps to Effectively Respond to Workplace Exposure to Covid-19
The Integrated Care Online Powered by NextGen Healthcare provides guidance on mobilizing a response when a client or team member tests positive for COVID-19 and is known to have exposed others on your team. The article covers risk communications and leadership best practices to help others and minimize risk.
Generations United (GU) provides a summary of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) and how it impacts grandfamilies. GU also shares the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tool that allows individuals who don’t normally file a tax return to register for economic impact payments.
Stress and Coping During Pandemic
The CDC has provided advice on how to cope with COVID-19 for parents, responders, and those in quarantine.
The National Association of Social Workers provides resources on topics such as how to help people in special populations, conducting telehealth, and ethical considerations.
Preparing for Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Influenza: Free Online Training & Resources
With some training courses offered in both English and Spanish, individuals can learn about infection control. There are also webinars offered from March 25 through April 13 that will cover various topics focused on health care providers.
Parent and Caretaker Resources and Recommendations
The Washington State Department of Health has provided guidelines on how to keep your family safe and cope with isolation/quarantining. Furthermore, children of different age groups may have different behavioral and emotional responses to the outbreak, and this page shares how to help children cope.
Help for Families During the Covid-19 Crisis
Focus on the Family shares several resources focused on devotionals, parenting, maintaining a marriage, and life. Under the parenting section, you can find activities to do at home and how to explain the outbreak to children.
Resources for Childcare Providers
Supporting Children’s Remote Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Child Trends offers five recommendations for ways that early care and education providers can best support children’s remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The CLASP Coronavirus page provides resources for the childcare community on topics including paid leave, health care, SNAP, and more.
- Factsheet: Ensuring Young Children Have Healthy Meals During the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Factsheet: Paid Sick Days and Paid Leave Provisions in FFCRA and CARES Act
- Factsheet: $3.5 Billion for Child Care in Coronavirus Package is Not Enough: How States Will Fare
Colorado Emergency Child Care Collaborative
This collaborative includes a group of early childhood providers, advocacy groups, school districts, and foundations to partner with the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) and the Office of Early Childhood (OEC) to establish a system of emergency child care health care workers, including critical support staff and emergency first responders:
- Health care providers and staff: Doctors, nurses, and all hospital support personnel, including maintenance and janitorial staff, who are so essential to maintaining our health system.
- Public safety: Police, firefighters, EMT staff.
- Staff supporting populations that are critically at-risk: Long-term care facilities, mental health facilities, and residential facilities subject to available capacity.
Early Childhood Trust Fund and Early Childhood Education and Care Department
New Mexico created an Early Childhood Trust Fund and Early Childhood Education and Care Department. For immediate support to childcare providers, they are paying $250/month per child and waiving two months of copay for families that receive assistance.
Supporting Home-Based Childcare Providers During the Coronavirus Crisis
The National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) developed the fact sheet for policy-makers with recommendations on how to support home-based childcare providers.
COVID-19 Response and Children’s Care
The Better Care Network webpage includes resources on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to child protection and children’s care.
Coronavirus Resources for Early Childhood Professionals
ZERO TO THREE’s resources page for professionals includes best practices and Friday 12pm (ET) 15-minute guided mindfulness sessions. The page details the webinar series: Addressing Abuse and Neglect during COVID-19.
National Organizations’ Response
How COVID-19 is Exacerbating Racial Inequities for Infants, Toddlers
CLASP’s new report “A Pandemic within a Pandemic: How Coronavirus and Systemic Racism Are Harming Infants and Toddlers of Color” highlights that infants and toddlers are experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic during a critical developmental period.
Policy Cheat Sheet Series: Translating COVID-19’s Impact on Medicaid Policy
The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) resource helps translate emerging Medicaid programs and policies during the pandemic through the Policy Cheat Sheet series. The series includes “a clear, digestible, and informal way to clarify COVID-19’s impact on select Medicaid policies.”
Addressing the Needs of Medicaid Populations During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) resource center helps states, health plans, providers, and community organizations that are seeking to lessen the impact of COVID-19 on Medicaid populations.
Aging and Disability COVID-19 Resources
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) COVID-19 resource page offers guidance and information on Medicare & Medicaid resources, senior nutrition programs, and resources for reopening.
COVID-19 Healthcare Workforce Toolkit
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response (ASPR) have launched a new toolkit to help states navigate challenges facing the healthcare workforce.
COVID-19 Resources for Parents of Children with Intellectual or Other Developmental Disabilities
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), along with the STRYDD Center (Supporting Trauma Recovery for Youth with Developmental Disabilities), Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Northwell Health, has created resources to help parents support their child with special needs during this COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19: Responding to the Health and Economic Crisis
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) COVID-19 resource list including various statements and reports.
COVID-19 Materials Developed for Tribal Use
The Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health and Indian Health Service resource page containing COVID-19 materials for tribes.
COVID-19 and Child Welfare Cases
The ABA Center on Children and the Law offers a webinar recording with Dr. Jerry Milner, Judge Ernestine Gray, David Kelly, Kathleen Creamer, and Prudence Beidler Carr, highlighting the federal government’s recent guidance on emerging legal issues in child welfare cases.
COVID-19: Child Welfare Resources
The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) has provided four resource guides to help state legislators address the negative impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on children, families, and caseworkers involved with the child welfare system. The resource guides address the following topics: COVID-19 and Child Welfare Caseworkers, COVID-19 and Congregate Care Facilities, COVID-19 and Foster and Kinship Caregivers, COVID-19 and Older Youth in the Child Welfare System. NCSL staff will update this information regularly, so check back often.
National Indian Child Welfare Association COVID-19 Resource Page
Includes information for frontline workers, children, caregivers, and other general workforce resources
Prevent Child Abuse Coronavirus Resources
Prevent Child Abuse America webpage provides coronavirus resources and tips for parents, children, and others.
COVID-19 and the Child Welfare System
The Child Welfare COVID Website is a collaborative project including information and news related to the COVID-19 epidemic to inform advocacy efforts and decision-making by policy-makers on the effects that COVID-19 is having on children and families who are involved in child welfare.
The Family Focused Treatment Association (FFTA) responds to COVID-19 by offering a webinar series and general updates on FFTA member agencies’ policies and procedures.
FUTURES WITHOUT VIOLENCE: Resources for Kids and Families
Futures Without Violence released information for families and friends of those experiencing violence, including ways to help children and adults living with violence and information on financial assistance for parents and caregivers.
Child Trends released materials providing research-based guidance and recent blog entries with new data to inform decisions about how best to support families and meet the needs of all children in the midst of COVID-19.
- Resources for Supporting Children’s Emotional Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- How home visitors can use telehealth to reach families during the COVID-19 crisis
- Ways to Promote Children’s Resilience to the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 Resources for Child Welfare, Justice, & Adult Protection
The National Council on Crime & Delinquency (NCCD) webpage provides practical guidance for navigating child welfare, justice, and adult protection agencies challenges.
- Child Welfare Safety Assessment and Planning During COVID-19 and Social Distancing
- Successful Video Visits With Young Children
- Child Welfare Supervision During Physical Distancing
- Family Team Meetings: Guidance for Facilitators During Physical Distancing
- Guidance on Community Supervision During COVID-19
- Justice and COVID-19 Resource Page
National Association of Counsel for Children (NACC) COVID-19 Resource Hub
This webpage includes resources that the NACC is collecting and sharing to keep the community informed and prepared to safeguard the rights and well-being of young people.
National Governor’s Association (NGA) COVID-19 Webpage
This webpage provides information on the status of COVID-19 in the United States and abroad, the actions states/territories have taken to address the outbreak, and the latest efforts taken by the Federal government.
State Action on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) has put together a list of state actions related to COVID-19. In addition, this webpage is tracking responses from state judicial systems, including information about which state courts are limiting in-person hearings, offering telephonic participation, and more.
Recommendations for People Experiencing Homelessness
The National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (NLCH) webpage provides COVID-19 policy recommendations for the critical needs of people experiencing homelessness.
COVID-19 Guidance & Resources for Supportive Housing Providers
The CSH COVID-19 webpage has information, resources, and best practices for supportive housing providers. CSH provides guidance to help supportive housing providers during the COVID-19 to address home visits, case management, staff training and capacity, and considerations for congregate programs and operational issues.
APHSA COVID-19 Updates & Resources
American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) offers resource guide of state offices response to COVID-19.
SAMSHA Training and Technical Assistance Related to COVID-19
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides a resource list of available training and technical assistance related to COVID-19. These resources include upcoming and recorded webinars, information from the Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network, and information links from the Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS).
Additional Resources
COVID-19 Visual Communications Card for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (DDRS) has developed two versions of the COVID-19 visual communication for the deaf and hard-of -hearing population.
- COVID-19 Visual Communication Card – 8.5 x 11 for printing
- COVID-19 Visual Communication Card mobile – For use on mobile devices
Economic Impact Payments – Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provides information on the economic impact payments, how to check your refund status, and additional information for non-filers.
Unemployment Insurance Fraud Alert
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) at the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released guidance regarding allegations of fraud involving unemployment insurance.
Basics of FEMA Public Assistance Program Funding for the COVID-19 Pandemic
Manatt provides an article on the federal law authorizing FEMA Public Assistance Program funding and identifies which types of organizations are eligible to receive this funding. In addition, the Manatt COVID-19 guidance webpage provides information and insights that have financial, policy, operational, and regulatory implications.
The Joint Commission Coronavirus Resources
The Joint Commission resource page is dedicated to support health care professionals and organizations on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Resources include a statement on shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE), guidance on managing critical shortages, and more.
ThinkHR COVID-19 Crisis Response Center
This webpage provides coronavirus materials accessible to the public related to COVID-19, including FAQs, templates, state and federal updates, and more. Materials include essential resources for employers such as guidance on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) provisions.
Good Shepherd Services COVID-19 Update
As a social service provider, Good Shepherd, is collecting information to organize, mobilize, and advocate for residential and foster care programs in New York state to address the coronavirus pandemic.
CHRIS 180 COVID-19 Facebook Live Stream
CHRIS 180 has listed highlights from a Facebook live stream that discuss anxiety management and informing kids about COVID-19.
Ensuring Young Children Have Healthy Meals During the Coronavirus Pandemic
CLASP developed the fact sheet detailing the nutrition provisions included in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act package.
Indiana’s Liability Insurance for Childcare Facilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Indiana Department of Insurance is addressing concerns that facilities that provide services such as childcare and meals to the community will lose their liability insurance if they remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In partnership with the Overdose Lifeline and the Indiana State Department of Health, the state’s opioid treatment programs will be supplied with lockboxes and naloxone kits to reduce the spread of COVID-19
Indiana to offer Psychological First Aid Training in Response to COVID-19 Epidemic
The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) has announced that they will be partnering with Indiana’s American Red Cross to provide trainings in Psychological First Aid for health care and social services professionals.
Manatt Introduces a New One-Stop Resource for COVID-19 Updates, Information and Analyses
There are several pages of resources, including a summary of H.R. 6201 that was signed into law and revises the Family First Coronavirus Response Act.
The New York Public Library Connections
The New York Public Library’s website is offering free online tutoring for students, digital research books, and more.
News Articles
What COVID-19 Means for America’s Child Welfare System
This Brookings Institution article addresses the shortcomings of the child welfare system amid COVID-19 and how the crisis provides an opportunity to rethink and restructure the system.
Coronavirus Funding for Child Welfare and Family Services
Charitable foundations, individuals, and all levels of government are mobilizing to combat the coronavirus pandemic’s effects on the health of children, youth, and families and the longer-term impact of a growing economic crisis. The Chronicle of Social Change is tracking these opportunities and continuing to add them to this running thread.
The Pandemic Will Haunt Today’s Children Forever. But We Can Help Them Now.
The Washington Post article on the lifelong impact that this pandemic will have on children.
Unemployment Insurance and Young People in the Wake of COVID-19
The Century Foundation article on how young people experience some of the largest increases in unemployment during economic downturns, but are often left out of traditional unemployment insurance programs. Congress’s unemployment insurance expansion was a good start for students and other young people, but they will need more during the coming recession.
UN Chief Calls for Greater Protection for Children Caught Up in COVID-19 Crisis
UN News article urging officials to take additional steps to protect children in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic impact on hundreds of thousands of additional child deaths, infant mortality, and child abuse.
Child Protective Services in Flint, Michigan are Still Protecting Kids Despite COVID-19 crisis
As face-to-face visits are scaled back due to COVID-19 pandemic, some child investigations must be done in person. Read more about how the Children’s Services Agency in Flint, Michigan, is protecting workers.
FBI Warns of Increased Child-exploitation Risks During COVID-19 Crisis
CBS8 reported that the FBI reached out to San Diego-area parents informing them about how to protect their children from online dangers including child exploitation.
In Pennsylvania, the Juvenile Law Center filed an emergency petition to the PA Supreme Court to release juveniles. Half of 41 children considered “medically fragile” were released.
Tips for Family Visits with Children
The Chronicle of Social Change outlines ways of maintaining family visits for children in foster care while minimizing exposure to COVID-19.
Coronavirus Requirement of Isolation of Families Raises Domestic Violence Concerns
ABC news reports on concerns regarding an increase of domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic in light of school and work closures.
Minnesota’s Child Welfare, Juvenile Justice Courts Will Stay Open
Minnesota’s courts will remain open, and child welfare and juvenile justice cases will be handled over video or telephone calls.
New York City Foster Care Rushes to Prepare for Coronavirus
This article shares how the New York Administration for Children’s Services requested that all nonprofit foster care agencies submit their emergency plans by March 13th. Major concerns include how to provide childcare support for foster parents and housing stability for youth in foster care whose dorms are closed.
Justice Experts Appeal for Smaller Probation Footprint During Pandemic
An advocacy group of current and former probation commissioners, Executives Transforming Probation & Parole, gives five steps for corrections departments to downsize and prevent an outbreak of COVID-19.
A Crisis Reveals the Need to Modernize Juvenile Courts
In this article, the author calls for modernizing juvenile courts to support permanency. Specific recommendations include electronic filing, not requiring hearings if a resolution is made outside of the court, and holding hearings virtually.
L.A.’s Probation Offices Close as Advocates Urge Department to Lower Use of Lockup
This article describes how advocates in Los Angeles want children who are low-risk in probation-run facilities to be released, and for the facilities to provide more free phone calls. Advocates are concerned with the lack of medical preparedness in facilities if an outbreak does occur.
Nonprofit Resources for Remote Work During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Here, TechSoup shares different communication options that nonprofits can use to collaborate remotely during the outbreak.