On March 6th, House Ways and Means Committee Republicans introduced seven bills that would amend the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, addressing specific provisions. The bills would form the basis of a TANF reauthorization, which is long overdue, though they are unlikely to be supported by Democrats in either the House or the Senate.
The bills introduced bills would: restrict TANF spending to families at 200% of poverty or lower, allow transfer up to 15% of TANF funds to WIOA, direct at least 25% of TANF funds to core work and training activities, reduce TANF administration funding from 15% to 10%, prohibit states from using TANF to supplant other federal and state program funding, limit TANF reserves to only two years, and require HHS to review improper payments under TANF.
CWLA submitted recommendations for TANF reauthorization in response to the Ways and Means Subcommittee hearing last year.