Many of today’s young couples already have all the china and household goods they can use. Their babies are showered with teddy bears and teething rings. Instead of registering with stores, or in addition to such registrations, people who care about children can ask friends and family members to donate to CWLA. Friends may also decide on their own to make a donation in lieu of or in addition to a gift of merchandise.
If you send your gift directly to CWLA, we receive 100%, and 94% goes directly to services. We will send the individuals a card telling them that you have made a gift in their name.
Alternatively, for wedding gifts, you can register at www.idofoundation.org or in the wedding registry at www.justgive.org, and we will receive your donation minus a small handling charge.
You can make your gift to CWLA online via credit card or by mailing a check. All gifts to CWLA are fully tax deductible and are acknowledged promptly in writing.
The originators of Youth Leadership Anaheim (YLA) believed that if you invest in young people and educate them about the community and their role in it, they will initiate positive change in their schools, neighborhoods, places of worship, and homes. The two primary objectives of YLA are to instill an appreciation for the diverse people, places, and opportunities available in Anaheim and throughout the County, and to encourage young people to lead in whatever way they can generate change.
In May 2004, a group of YLA members decided to take action by answering the call for youth leadership. Led by Lisa Charukul, the youth designed and hosted the first official YLA Charity Talent Show. The evening was a tremendous success, and per the group’s request, 100% of the proceeds were designated to CWLA.
You can make your gift to CWLA online via credit card or by mailing a check. All gifts to CWLA are fully tax deductible and are acknowledged promptly in writing.
…a retirement or a wedding anniversary–or to make your personal best even better, whether that’s running 10 miles or walking more than 2,000.
- Deborah Amoroso took part in World Run Day 2003 and designated her pledges to benefit CWLA. Deborah completed her goal of 10 miles and raised $430 in $10 pledges. Check out www.runday.com to learn about this year’s event.
- Liz Kleinberg and Mike Kanarick had always wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail. When they set out to do it in 2003, they asked friends and family members to support their effort by contributing to CWLA. They completed all 2,173 miles of the trail and raised $42,000 from 176 donors to help vulnerable children and families. Read more about Liz and Mike’s adventure.
- On the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah, a family friend gave Ariella Viner a check with a decision attached: She could head straight to the mall to spend it on the latest clothes, make-up, or hi-tech gadgets, or she could donate some or all to a charity, and the friend would double the amount she gave.For Ari, keeping even part of the gift for herself was never in question. She generously donated the full amount, which was subsequently matched, to CWLA.
Next time you set out to reach a milestone, make it a win for CWLA as well!
You can make your gift to CWLA online or by mailing a check. All gifts to CWLA are fully tax deductible and are acknowledged promptly in writing.