Fundamental changes need to take place at all levels.
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Hot Topic: Extend Foster Care to Age 21 in All States
The CLWA recommends Congress extend foster care to age 21 so that every young person
Hot Topic: Mental Health Reform
Congress must pass legislation that addresses barriers to mental health care for youth and their
Hot Topic: Invest in Child Welfare Workforce
Title IV-B of the Social Security Act contains a $20 million allotment for child welfare
NSWM Policy Fellows Program
Funded by the New York Community Trust, the aim of NSWM's Policy Fellows Program is
Tim Briceland-Betts – 202.688.4154 –
- Links to Other Advocacy Organizations & Government Sites
Connect here to link to the websites of other advocacy organizations and government agencies working to make a difference in the lives of children and families.
- CWLA Advocacy Tips
Advocate for children with your elected officials! Use these tips to learn the basics of effective advocacy. Your voice can make a difference!
- Nonprofit VOTE
Founded in 2005, Nonprofit VOTE partners with America’s nonprofits to help the people they serve participate and vote. They are the leading source of nonpartisan resources to help nonprofits integrate voter engagement into their ongoing activities and services. Check out their 2012 webinar series, plans for aNational Voter Registration Day, state by state reference tools, and their fact sheets and toolkits.
- Voter Self-Defense System
Project Vote Smart, a non-partisan, non-profit voter information organization, provides factual information about candidates and elected officials for president, congress, governor, and state legislature. Use Vote Smart Web to access biographies and voting records of over 13,000 candidates and elected officials, legislation, and other politcal resources. Also call The Voter’s Research Hotlineat 1-888-VOTE-SMART to speak to a researcher about your questions on voting records, campaign finances, performance evaluations, and campaign issue positions.
- Youth Policy Action Center
The Youth Policy Action Center (YPAC) is a web-based resource that helps youth and concerned adults be heard in the nation’s capital. The website allows youths and adults to regularly contact elected officials about important programs and initiatives–especially in the critical days before votes are cast on the floor of Congress. YPAC offers visitors the opportunity to take action on a range of issues, policies, and legislation.
Below are CWLA’s most recent press releases, press statements, op-eds, and columns that provide perspective on issues impacting vulnerable children and child welfare.
6/26/2013: CWLA Statement: Supreme Court Decision in Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl
6/7/2012: CWLA and Experts Join in Issuing Recommended Practices for LGBTQ Youth in Foster Care
9/8/2011: Grand-Parenthood
8/18/2011: Nominations Open: CWLA’s Anna Quindlen Journalism Awards for Child Welfare-Related Reporting
7/27/2011: Death Toll Mounts
6/15/2011: CWLA Names New Officers to Board
6/9/2011: Don’t Deprive Children of Food
5/31/2011: The Other Mother
5/24/2011: Identity Crisis
4/22/2011: The poverty that budget-cutters can’t ignore
4/22/2011: Flagging Abuse: Your Role in Protecting Children