Published in Children’s Voice, Volume 29, Number 2

It is an honor to introduce this special issue of Children’s Voice magazine: CWLA, Universities, and Community Collaborations: Past, Present, and Future. Our goal has been to highlight articles contributed by CWLA member agencies, university faculty, scholars and students, and community organizations. In this special issue, we focus on partnerships and relationships that support improved outcomes for children and families through policy, practice, research, and advocacy.

The inspiration for this issue came from a group of child welfare agency leaders who were exploring strategies to highlight CWLA’s 100th anniversary. The strength of the relationship between and among CWLA and its many partners resulted in a call for papers describing innovative university-community collaborations and interdisciplinary alliances.

The response to the call was phenomenal! Included in this issue are articles from public and private agencies, universities, and community-based organizations across the country. The work highlights practice innovations, socially just policy development, expanded use of technology, and social work education and internship experiences during crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Several articles consider intersectionality in response to challenges with an equity-based lens.

Special thanks go to our contributing authors who shared their innovations. We are certain that their work may be adapted for implementation in communities and universities across the country. We appreciate the leadership and enthusiastic support of CWLA President and CEO Christine James-Brown. We also thank Children’s Voice’s editor, Rachel Adams, for her expertise in guiding us through the process of publishing this special issue. Special appreciation goes to Marlene Saulsbury, CWLA’s Director of Publications, for her creative expertise in making this special issue as artistically delightful as the articles are inspiring.

The invitation to serve as co-editors for this special issue has unique meaning for us. We first met as CWLA staff members 25 years ago. Over the years, we have valued our collegial relationship as trainers, social work educators, and advocates for the advancement of child welfare policy and practice in general, and for CWLA’s mission specifically.

Prof. Dana Burdnell Wilson, PhD
School of Social Work, Morgan State University

Prof. Eileen Mayers Pasztor, DSW
School of Social Work,
California State University, Long Beach

Other Articles in this Issue

University Support of Educational Outcomes for Youth in Foster Care

Parents as Teachers: Using Virtual Technology in Service Delivery to Children and Families who are Vulnerable

The Impact of COVID-19 on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Preserving their Resilience and Establishing a University-Community Partnership Reassurance Program

Twenty Years of Collaboration for Change: A University-Community Partnership to Support Rural Kinship Families

Make Way for Goslings: The Importance of Collaboration

The Village Can Do What You Cannot

Interns Navigating the Challenges of COVID-19 through Evidence-Based Practice: A University-Nonprofit Partnership for Challenging Times

A Futuring Framework in University and Community Collaborations: A Science-Driven, Racially Just, and Interdisciplinary Child Welfare System

Partnering to Improve Child Welfare in New Jersey

Adverse Childhood Experiences Research Drives University–Community Collaboration to Build Community Resilience

Advancing Permanency for Youth in Care: Three Organizations and One Committed Individual

A New Twist: Reimagining the Use of Traditional Academic Clinics and the Impact on Children, Youth, and Families in the Child Welfare System

Strategies for Practitioners & Organizations to Transform Child Welfare

Collaboration with Adult Alumni of Foster Care: Provides an Essential Consumer Perspective in the Pursuit of Success in Higher Education for Youth in Care

Setting the Foundation for a Successful Transition to Virtual Training

Supporting Parents with Intellectual Disabilities through Community and University Collaboration

Valuing Collaboration: An Innovative Model to Improve Health Care Services in a Child Welfare Agency

Arizona National Youth in Transition Database: An Innovative Child Welfare Agency and University Collaboration

Leadership Lens: Communication, Collaboration, and Information Sharing

Working with the PRIDE Model of Practice: PRIDE around the World, in Difficult Times

Down to Earth Dad: Delivering the Goods to Everyone via ‘Community Partnershipping’

Exceptional Children: Navigating Special Education & Learning Disabilities: The Effective Advocate Playbook