CWLA is pleased to announce the publication of a special issue of Child Welfare journal, “Twenty Years after the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 (‘Chafee’): What We Know Now About Meeting the Needs of Teens and Young Adults.”
Teens and young adults account for about 25% of the general population, but make up more than 34% of individuals in foster care. Ample research has documented the experiences of youth who exit the child welfare system — many depart the system ill-prepared for life on their own, devoid of family and other environmental supports to help them. This two-part special issue delves into the challenges facing older teens and young adults as they navigate the foster care system, age out, and prepare for adulthood. Order your copies today.
To find out more about the journal, browse past issues, or to renew, subscribe, or submit articles, click here. Send all other editorial inquiries to Rachel Adams, managing editor, at