The Continuing Resolution (CR) that Congress passed in September to avoid a government shutdown is set to expire next Friday, December 16th, 2022, unless lawmakers can pull together a budget or pass another CR. Reports from the Hill indicate that the Four Corners (the four leaders of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees) have continued to negotiate the top-line budget numbers, but that they have not yet reached an agreement.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has expressed support for passing a full omnibus in the past, but with Republicans taking control of the House in January, he has not pushed for an agreement post-midterms. Additionally, it seems that the minority leaders are waiting until after the run-off election in Georgia on Tuesday to start negotiating in earnest. It is expected that Congress will need to pass a short-term CR until December 23rd at the very least; whether they can draft and agree to a full budget before the end of the year remains to be seen.
In addition to the Appropriations bills, the final year-end package is likely to include other top priorities for the various committees. CWLA is in active conversations with Committee leaders about the inclusion of legislation such as the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Act (MIECHV), the Strengthening Tribal Families Act, and various mental health provisions.