Layout 1Take a Virtual Trip to the CWLA National Advocacy Summit!

Join us along with Summit participants on Tuesday, April 19 as we lobby on the Hill to treat substance abuse, strengthen child welfare, and prevent child abuse and neglect. Contact your elected representatives and officials on this day and share our message. We are using #VirtualHillDay16 and other hashtags listed below to spread the message through Congress. For more information on the message, check out Hot Topics. Tweet, post on Facebook and email your Congressman/Senator so that together we advocate for children, youth and families.

Social Media Hashtags:


Post a message on Facebook:

1. Today is CWLA’s ( Hill Day for vulnerable children and families during #CWLASummit16 and we are doing a Virtual Hill Day using #VirtualHillDay16 and #VHD16. Join hundreds of child welfare, human service, and behavioral health professionals by contacting your Senators and Representatives at (202) 224-3121. Tell them to prioritize children and families. Learn more at

2. Today is CWLA’s Hill Day. We invite you to share information to help us advocate for children. 1. Families needing drug treatment for prescription drugs, heroin, alcohol, and other drugs 2. Take the next step in child welfare services reform. We want to expand intervention services to reduce foster care, strengthen reunification and improve residential care though the Families First Act. 3. Strengthen and increase child welfare workforce #VHD16 #CWLASummit16 #VirtualHillDay16

Spread the word on Twitter by using these samples tweets or tweeting directly to your congressman:

Join CWLA’s Hill Day efforts. Prioritize #children and #families. #VHD16 #CWLASummit16

Tell Congress: Increase Child Welfare Workforce #VirtualHillDay16 #CWLASummit16 #VHD16


Urge your Senators and Reps to improve drug treatment for substance abuse #VirtualHillDay16 #CWLASummit16 #VHD16 [@congressman]

Tell Congress: to strengthen and increase child welfare workforce #children & #families #CWLASummit16 #VirtualHillDay16 [@congressman]

Tell Congress: to take the next step in child welfare reform #VirtualHillDay16 #CWLASummit16 #VHD16 [@congressman]

Support the FY 2017 budget proposal to strengthen and expand the child welfare workforce #VirtualHillDay16 #CWLASummit16 #VHD16

Support the draft legislation, the Families First Act [@congressman] #VirtualHillDay16 #CWLASummit16 #VHD16

Reforming child welfare must address the need for an array of services that can assist the full spectrum of child and family needs #VHD16

Reauthorize and expand funding to $60 million for RPGs as part of a reauthorization of Promoting Safe and Stable Families #CWLASummit16

Expand access to intervention services through Title IV-E as proposed in draft legislation, Families First Act #VHD16 #CWLASummit16

Reauthorize the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act & increase funding to assist states in implementing Safe Care Plans #VHD16