Before you send that e-mail or make that phone call to an advocacy or other children’s organization demanding action or you post on Facebook your opinions, TELL THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS as a constituent.
Go to the CWLA Action Center. Enter your zip code and your two senators and member of Congress will pop up along with the President and Vice President. You will have a pre-written letter that you can and should edit to really express your opinions on what is happening to these children. It’s up to you. You can do it on your own phone on your own time if you are at work, if you are afraid you are “lobbying” do it on your home computer as a voter. Don’t assume your member of Congress is “good” on the issue; speak up to the people who make the policy and laws. No matter where you work and how big or small you feel you are, exercise your power as a citizen and tell your elected officials. The second step to take: pass the link on to family and friends by e-mail, tweet or Facebook and have them do the same.