CWLA has launched the “These Cuts Won’t Heal” campaign to ensure the concerns of vulnerable children are heard during the current federal budget debate. We encourage all children’s advocates to be engaged in this debate. Here are a number of tools and resources for you to use.
- Sign the Petition to Congress to Stop the March 1st Sequestration
- A Sampling of the Information Circulating and Action Mounting Ahead of the March 1st Sequester
- Sign the Petition to President Obama: Don’t Balance the Budget on the Backs of Children
- Sample Facebook and Twitter Posts to Share the Petition with Your Personal and Professional Networks
- Check the Children’s Monitor blog for aditional Recent Developments
- Tips for Writing an Op-Ed/Letter to the Editor
- Action Item: Sign-on to a Budget Statement Calling on Congress to Protect Vulnerable Americans
- 2012:
- 2011:
- Update, December 23
- Update, December 5
- Update, August 3
- Update, July 29
- Update, July 22
- Update, July 18
- Update, June 30
- June 29 Legislative Alert
- Update, June 3
- March 25 Legislative Alert
- March 8 Legislative Alert
- Update, May 10
- Update, April 13
- Update, April 11
- Update, March 29
- Update, March 11
- Update, March 3
Issues In Depth
- March 1: Sequestration Impact on State Child Welfare Budgets
- January 1: Sequestration Impact on State Child Welfare Budgets
- Preliminary Sequestration Chart for Selected Federal Programs
- FY 2014 Budget Chart
- 276 National Organizations Oppose the BBA
- Exemptions to Sequestration Cuts
- CWLA letter to Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction
- Debt Limit Deal and Impact on CWLA Membership
- The Social Services Block Grant (SSBG)
- Federal Food Programs
- The Future of Medicaid and Child Welfare
- Comparison of FY2012 Administration Budget Proposal Compatibility Mode
- What Does a Medicaid Block Grant Mean for Children in Child Welfare
- Funding for Critical Programs in the Final FY 2011 CR
- Funding Chart Comparing the House FY11 Budget Bill (H.R. 1) to the Senate FY11 Budget Proposal
- H.R. 1: Summary of Cuts to Children’s Programs and Expected Impact
- Fiscal Year 2011 House Budget Bill Summary (H.R. 1)
- Summary of President Obama’s Budget Request for FY 2012
- Budget Chart for FY 2012: Funding Summary of Key Children’s Programs
CWLA Members
- Register for the Members Only: “These Cuts Won’t Heal: Budget Campaign Webcasts”
- For CWLA Member’s Only: Information from Budget Webcasts