Children’s Voice Submission Guidelines


Children’s Voice is CWLA’s seasonal magazine covering national, state, and local news and issues that affect children, youth, and families. By publishing a diverse range of views on a wide array of topics, the magazine seeks to encourage public discussion and debate among those who are committed to helping children and families.

Features, which run 1,000-1,200 words, are in-depth treatments of issues, research, and events that affect children, youth, and families and those who work with them or on their behalf. The tone is professional but informal.

Departments include: Spotlight On (800-1,000 words), which focuses on a new program or initiative being undertaken by a CWLA member organization; One on One (500-800 words), an interview with a child welfare professional; and Working with PRIDE (800-1,000 words), which features the work of an organization that has implemented CWLA’s PRIDE (Parent Resources for Information, Development, and Education) Model of Practice.

To submit an article, please send a pitch letter to Rachel Adams, editor, at

Please use people-first language and non-labeling language (i.e., “children in foster care,” not “foster children”; “children who have experienced maltreatment,” not “maltreated children”) in your manuscript. Any citations and references should be documented according to APA Style (7th Edition).