We hope you are planning to join your CWLA member colleagues for our 2021 Virtual Conference, Lessons Learned from 2020: Reaching New Heights for Children and Families, taking place from May 4-6, 2021. We have added on a fourth day for the CWLA 2021 Virtual Hill Day on Wednesday, May 12. This email is to invite you to join our special “Open Mic” calls to help prepare you for advocacy efforts following the virtual conference. These calls are for all conference registrants and CWLA members to help prepare you for going virtually to Capitol Hill to advocate on behalf of children and families.
Click Here to Register for the Special “Open Mic” call on Monday, April 26 at 2:30 pm (ET).
In advance of the CWLA 2021 Virtual Hill Day, you should schedule meetings with your Senators and members of Congress to promote child welfare priorities that help us reach new heights for children and families. Now is the time that you should be calling to set up appointments with the offices of your Congressional members so that you can connect with them following the conference. The “Open Mic” calls are designed to describe and explain how virtual meetings with Congressional offices take place. We will go over the issue priorities, logistics, how a typical successful virtual meeting is done, materials that will be provided, helpful hints, and other useful resources.
The goal is to make sure everyone is prepared to have a successful virtual meeting with your Congressional representatives or their staff, and to deliver specific messages to improve and protect the social safety net for children, youth, and families who are vulnerable.
Schedule Virtual Hill Meeting with your Members of Congress
The challenges faced by children and families never have been so consequential. Your voice is needed. We hope you will be able to join us for one of these calls and we look forward to speaking with you. Your voice is powerful when you share it!