On Thursday, April 27, 2023, Child Trends announced that its State-level Data for Understanding Child Welfare in the United States interactive has been updated with the latest available data. “This comprehensive resource offers state-level and national data on child maltreatment, foster care, kinship care, and permanency. These data help stakeholders understand the rates at which the child welfare system intervened in the lives of children and youth, the circumstances under which those interventions occurred, and the outcomes of those interventions.”
There are some additions to this long-standing resource this year, including the following:
- 4-year trends for major data points (e.g., maltreatment referrals, entries and exits into foster care, placement with relatives)
- Data by the child’s race/ethnicity and age
- All options for permanency (reunification, adoption, guardianship), including key data by race/ethnicity and child age.
- Focuses on older youth in foster care (ages 13 and older), including key data points by race/ethnicity and age group.