The U.S. Census Bureau released their annual data on health insurance coverage in the U.S., indicating that 26.1 million (8%) Americans did not have health insurance at any point in 2019. Although 92 percent of Americans were insured for all or part of 2019, the majority (68%) had private insurance, and 34.1 percent had public insurance. Employer-based coverage was the most common type.
In 2019, 9.2 percent, or 29.6 million, of Americans were not covered by health insurance, compared to 8.9 percent or 28.6 million in 2018. That represents 1 million fewer people with health insurance. The percentage of people covered by Medicaid fell from 20.5 percent in 2018 to 19.8 percent last year. Virginia is the only state that saw a decrease in the percentage of people lacking health insurance between 2018 and 2019, whereas 19 states saw their uninsured percentage rise. Virginia expanded Medicaid coverage in January 2019 under the ACA. The Census data was collected before the beginning of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic in March 2019. Some states changed rules around Medicaid access in light of the greatest health challenge our country has seen, the coronavirus pandemic, or gave people an extra chance to sign up if they were eligible for the program.
To access the Health Insurance Coverage in the United States report, click here.