Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA
April 27 – 29, 2015
The foundation and framework for Excellence in Child Welfare is achieving the vision that all children will grow up safely, in loving families and supportive communities, with everything they need to flourish—and with connections to their culture, ethnicity, race, language and sexual identity. CWLA encourages and supports innovative approaches and multi-system collaborations that have improved the well-being and success of children, youth, and families who are most vulnerable. CWLA advocates for best policies and practices, and encourages building strategic alliances that result in improved outcomes.
The CWLA 2015 National Conference engaged stakeholders and partners whose efforts, contributions, and standards improve outcomes for children, youth, and families. Presentations showcased those policies, programs, practices, research, and collaborations that are aligned with the Core Principles of the CWLA National Blueprint for Excellence in Child Welfare.
The conference sessions featured promising practices, programs and strategies; effective engagement, partnership and collaboration; challenges and opportunities related to safety and prevention; innovations in leadership, workforce development and quality improvement; and evidence-based practice and research. CWLA members can review session presentations on the “Members Only” site.
Check out the conference photos and use the menu links above for additional programmatic details.
Please contact for assistance
Hotel & Travel Information
Conference Location and Accommodations

Crystal Gateway Marriott
1700 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 920-3230
Conference Room Rate: $219
Hotel Reservations
Hotel reservations must be made directly with the hotel. You can make reservations by calling 1-877-212-5752 or online at Conference Hotel Reservations. Room availability and special rates are guaranteed only until April 4, 2015, or until the space is filled.
Please note our room block at the Crystal Gateway Marriott is sold out.
We’ve blocked space for an overflow hotel – Crystal City Marriott at Reagan National Airport located at 1999 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA. It’s conveniently accessible to the conference hotel via the underground Crystal City Shops. Our discounted conference group block rate is $249/night. Book rooms at Hotel Reservationsor call 1-800-228-9290 and reference code cwlcwla or Child Welfare League of America.
The closest airport is Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA). A map of the area, driving directions, and ground transportation options are available at Crystal Gateway Marriott. The hotel offers complimentary shuttle service from/to Reagan Washington National Airport.
Make a lasting impression on child and family experts. Sponsor a food function, item or special event. For more information contact
Gala Dinner — $25,000 (one available – can be shared)
- Exclusive sponsor of the Gala Dinner (Tuesday, 4/28)
- Recognition on the homepage of the CWLA website, (Sponsor will be flagged as a Featured Partner)
- Special logo and name billing on signage
- Acknowledgement from the podium during a General Session
- Full-page ad space in the conference final program
- Speaking Opportunity (up to 5 minutes) at the Gala
- Four “specialty advertisements” in the CWLA Networker, our twice monthly e-brief
- Premium exhibit space
- Unlimited use of the pre- and post-conference attendee mailing lists
- Tote bag insert
- Link to company website from
- Logo(s) on sponsor page in the conference final program
Janiva Magness Concert: Gala Entertainment — $25,000 (one available – can be shared)
- Exclusive sponsor, entertainment, at the 4/28 gala starring CWLA ambassador and blues & soul siren, Ms. Janiva Magness
- Photo opportunity with Ms. Magness and her band
- Signed copies of Janiva’s newest CD, Original, and the CWLA single, All I Want
- Special logo and name billing on signage
- Acknowledgement from the podium during a General Session
- Full-page ad space in the conference final programs
- Speaking Opportunity (up to 5 minutes) at the Gala/Event
- Four “specialty advertisements” in the CWLA Networker, our twice-monthly e-brief
- Premium exhibit space
- Unlimited use of the pre- and post-conference attendee mailing lists
- Tote bag insert
- Link to company website from
- Logo(s) on sponsor page in the conference final program
Opening Reception — $10,000 (one available – can be shared)
- Exclusive Sponsor of the Opening Reception (Monday, 4/27)
- Special logo and name billing on signage
- Acknowledgement from the podium during a General Session
- Full-page ad space in the conference final program
- Speaking Opportunity (up to 5 minutes) at the Reception
- One “specialty advertisement” in the CWLA Networker, our twice monthly e-brief
- Exhibit space
- One-time use of the pre- and post-conference attendee mailing lists
- Tote bag insert
- Link to company website from
- Logo(s) on sponsor page in the conference final program
Power-Up Charging Station $5,000 (one available – can be shared)
- Exclusive sponsor of the Charging Station
- Special logo and name billing on signage
- Acknowledgement from the podium during a general session
- Half-page ad space in the conference final program
- One “specialty advertisement” in the CWLA Networker, our twice monthly e-brief
- 50% discount on exhibit space
- One-time use of the pre- and post-conference attendee mailing lists
- Tote bag insert
- Link to company website from
- Logo(s) on sponsor page in the conference final program
Tote Bags — $8,500 (one available)
- Exclusive sponsor of the Conference Totes
- Logo and message on bag
- Acknowledgement from the podium during a General Session
- Half-page ad space in the conference final program
- Two “specialty advertisements” in the CWLA Networker, our twice-monthly e-brief
- Exhibit space
- One-time use of the pre- and post-conference attendee mailing list
- Tote bag insert
- Link to company website from
- Logo(s) on sponsor page in the conference final program
Morning Coffee Break — $2,500
- Special logo and name billing on signage
- Acknowledgment from the podium at a General Session
- Quarter-page ad space in the conference final program
- One-time use of the pre- and post-conference attendee mailing lists
- Link to company website from
- Logo(s) on sponsor page in the conference final program
Conference Wi-Fi — $2,500 (two available)
- Special logo and name billing on signage
- Sponsor logo on Wi-Fi chips distributed to conference attendees with password
- Sponsor logo on Wi-Fi login page
- Acknowledgment from the podium at a General Session
- Quarter-page ad space in the conference final program
- One-time use of the pre- and post-conference attendee mailing lists
- Link to company website from
- Logo(s) on sponsor page in the conference final program
Conference Lanyards — $1,500 (one available)
- Logo on lanyards
- Acknowledgement from the podium at a General Session
- One-time use of the pre- and post-conference attendee mailing lists
- Link to company website from
- Logo(s) on sponsor page in the conference final program
Hand Sanitizer Handouts — $1,500 (one available)
Because we’re all about shaking hands.
- Special logo and name billing on signage
- Logo on label of 1-oz flip-top bottle of Made in the USA sanitizer
- Bottles to be placed at conference registration, sponsor’s exhibit (if vending), and in conference totes
- One-time use of the pre- and post-conference attendee mailing lists
- Link to company website from
- Logo(s) on sponsor page in the conference final program
Friends of CWLA — $500+ (unlimited)
This sponsorship covers general underwriting expenses that are needed to host this conference.
- Acknowledgment from the podium at a General Session
- Special logo and name billing on signage
- Link to company website from
- Logo(s) on sponsor page in the conference final program
Bonus Opportunity for Existing Sponsors: Conference Twitter — $250 (unlimited)
- Special logo and name billing on signage
- More than 10 tweets before, during, and after the conference
- Logo and name billing on signage
Meet face-to-face with the movers and shakers in child welfare. CWLA national conference exhibitors reach CEOs, administrators, and other child and family experts who are eager to explore new thinking and new products. As a bonus, CWLA vendors receive the pre- and post-conference attendee mailing lists for marketing.
Exhibiting at CWLA is both easy and affordable. The exhibit hall is the hub of our conference; it is located near all our workshops and sessions. Our popular CWLA Bookstore and Recharging Station are located in the exhibit hall. Booth Bingo and food functions drive traffic to and through it!
Past exhibitors include software vendors, publishers, brokers, trainers, accreditors, member agencies, and other organizations with a message to share. Exhibiting at CWLA is effective and rewarding.
Interested in sponsoring conference Twitter, our “Advocacy Day” shuttles, conference totes, the Tuesday evening Gala, and/or a snack break or reception? Call Karen Dunn at 202/688-4157 or e-mail We have opportunities for nearly every organization and budget. CWLA sponsors get lots of bang for their buck!
Special Events in the Exhibit Hall:
Breakfasts, Lunch, and Breaks
Networking Receptions
Booth Bingo
Raffles and Giveaways
Exhibit Fees (per 8′ x 10′ space):
$1550 for premium (high traffic) space
$1295 for for-profits and nonmember nonprofits
$1095 for member agencies and partners
8′ x 10′ space with standard booth drapery
6′ x 2′ draped table
2 side chairs
Premium vendors ($1550) receive a complimentary registration for one exhibit staffer with access to all the workshops. Complimentary registration includes access to the Tuesday evening Gala.
A 7″ x 44″ booth identification sign
Exclusive option to purchase tote bag space ($400)
List of registrants for pre-conference marketing
Post-conference attendee mailing list for one-time use for follow-up
A link to your website from
Meals and receptions in the Exhibit Hall
Dedicated exhibit hall time, concentrated into three days
A 30% discount on all conference advertising
Booth Bingo – Back by Demand! Participating vendors will be asked to stamp bingo cards distributed to attendees at registration. Attendees who complete their cards are eligible to win prizes. The Grand Prize drawing is scheduled for 10:30 am on Wednesday, April 29. We will be raffling AMEX gift cards. Please, help sponsor the cards. To contribute $25 or more, e-mail
Tote Bag Inserts – A vendor exclusive!
Cost: $400
Limit: one item per bag per vendor
For more information e-mail
Exhibit Hall Dates and Times
Set up: Sunday, April 26, 2015, 8:00 pm & Monday, April 27, 2015, 7:00 am
Dismantle: Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 11:00 am
Exhibit Hall is open all day Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday morning (dates and times are subject to change without notice).
Featured activities include:
Monday, April 27:
10:30 am -11:00 am Morning Break
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Opening Night Reception (great networking opportunity)
Tuesday, April 28:
7:30 am – 8:30 am Continental Breakfast
12:15 pm – 1:45 pm Lunch (for attendees not participating in Hill Day)
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Gala Reception
Wednesday, April 29:
7:30 am – 8:45 am Continental Breakfast
10:30 am – 11:00 am Closing Break
Registration and Payment:
A 50% deposit is due with Registration. The balance is due before the conference start date of April 27, 2015.
Please register online OR complete and return our Exhibitor Application. No need to do both! Registering means you agree with our terms and conditions.
Space will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis beginning December 1, 2014.
Make checks payable to the Child Welfare League of America, Inc.
Mail checks to: CWLA Exhibits, P.O. Box 75171, Baltimore, MD 21275-5171
Please review our Exhibitor Guidelines & Terms.
Exhibit Hall Floor Plan (available in early December)
Questions? E-mail
Full-color advertising!
Exhibitors receive a 30% discount on all conference advertising.
Reserve final program ad space by February 9, 2015.
Submit art by February 16, 2015.
Cancellations received after February 8, 2015 will be billed the full amount for the ad.
All cancellations must be in writing.
Exhibitors receive a 30% discount on all conference advertising.
Ad Rates and Options
Ad Type Size (Inches) Exhibitor Cost Non-Exhibitor Cost
Sixth Page 2.5 x 4.75 $210 $350
Quarter Page Vertical 3.37 x 4.75 $420 $675
Half Page Vertical 3.75 x 9.25 $840 $1,300
Half Page Horizontal 7.50 x 4.75 $840 $1,300
Full page (no bleed) 7.50 x 10.00 $1,680 $2,500
Full page (bleed) 8.75 x 11.25 $1,680 $2,500
Back Cover (no bleed) 7.50 x 7.00 to 8.00 $2,100 $3,450
Back Cover (bleed) 8.75 x 7.25 to 8.25 $2,100 $3,450
See Program Advertising.
Registration and Payment:
A 50% deposit is due with Registration. The balance is due before our conference start date of April 27, 2015.
Please register online OR email Registering means you agree with our terms and conditions.
Make checks payable to the Child Welfare League of America, Inc.
Mail checks to: CWLA Advertising, P.O. Box 75171, Baltimore, MD 21275-5171
Questions? E-mail
National Awards Program
CWLA is accepting National Awards nominations for our 2015 National Conference to be held April 27 -29, 2015 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA. The CWLA awards program is designed to encourage excellence and innovation in serving children and families who are vulnerable and to acknowledge the various stakeholder groups that are committed to advancing excellence in child welfare. We are especially interested in honoring individuals and organizations that embody the principles of the CWLA National Blueprint for Excellence in Child Welfare which has a critical focus on advancing child welfare services that are linked to and operate in partnership with families and communities.
As always, we need the active involvement of our member agencies to identify the exceptional individuals and organizations that positively impact your work, deserve this national level recognition, and will serve as a role model to others.
In order to allow time for a through nominating process and so that successful nominees have time to plan to attend the conference and receive their recognition in-person, nominations should be submitted by January 7, 2015.
The 2015 National Conference Awards include:
- Anna Quindlen Award for Excellence in Journalism on Behalf of Children and Families – Journalists in both print and broadcast who have provided constructive, informative reporting that advances awareness, understanding, and action to meet the needs of children and families who are vulnerable.
- Congressional Advocate of the Year – A member of Congress who has provided leadership on behalf of children and families who are vulnerable, and achieved demonstrated policy or funding improvements related to services and supports for children in the child welfare system. This selection is made in partnership with the CWLA National Policy Commission, but ideas for awardees can be submitted by the membership.
- Corporate Advocate of the Year – For-profit business that has made a demonstrated national and local commitment using the principles of the CWLA National Blueprint for Excellence in Child Welfare to improve outcomes for children and families who are vulnerable and the organizations that serve them.
- CWLA National Blueprint Champion for Excellence (Individual) – Individuals with demonstrated commitment to the principles of the CWLA National Blueprint for Excellence in Child Welfare and achievements that improve the safety, permanence, and well-being of the children and families they serve. Eligible nominees can include workers, supervisors, and others providing services to children in the child welfare system, as well as coaches, scout leaders, classroom teachers, mentors, family court judges and others who are advancing the CWLA National Blueprint for Excellence in Child Welfare vision that “all children will grow up safely, in loving families and supportive communities with everything they need to flourish—and with connections to their culture, ethnicity, race, and language.”
- CWLA National Blueprint Champion for Excellence (Community Partner) – An organization that supports a CWLA member agency and the children and families it serves to advance the vision of the CWLA National Blueprint for Excellence in Child Welfare. Examples include organizations that provide services that support children, youth, and families served by the child welfare system including parenting organizations, youth education and development organizations, research entities, faith-based organizations, civic groups, schools, and others.
- CWLA National Blueprint Champion for Excellence (Agency Innovator) – Member agencies that have demonstrated innovation and excellence in the delivery of programs and services to advance improved outcomes for children and youth utilizing the principles of the National Blueprint.
Nomination Criteria Overview
The CWLA National Blueprint for Excellence in Child Welfare vision is that “all children will grow up safely, in loving families and supportive communities with everything they need to flourish—and with connections to their culture, ethnicity, race, and language.”
CWLA will honor individuals and organizations that embody the principles of the CWLA National Blueprint for Excellence in Child Welfare which has a critical focus on advancing child welfare services that are linked to and operate in partnership with families and communities. The National Blueprint’s core principles are: Rights of Children; Shared Responsibility and Leadership; Engagement/Participation; Supports and Services; Quality Improvement; Workforce; Race, Ethnicity, and Culture; and Funding and Resources.
Nomination Material
Submit a completed nomination form and statement addressing how the nominee:
- Exhibits the awards overall vision and description
- Embodies the principles and vision of the CWLA National Blueprint for Excellence in Child Welfare
In addition, please submit three to four electronic photos that can be used in the awards presentation, should the nominee be selected.
For the Anna Quindlen Award for Excellence in Journalism, please also include articles, editorials, columns, videos, etc. in support of the nomination. Links to online articles and videos are acceptable.
Although not required, nominators may also submit additional materials, including newspaper clippings, printed materials, and testimonial letters to support the nomination and to perhaps be used during the awards presentation, should the nominee be selected.
Nomination Submission
Nominations must include a completed nomination form and supporting materials, and be received by January 7, 2015. Electronic submissions are required. Email nominations to Cassaundra Rainey, VP for Member Services and Conferences,
Selection and Presentation
The CWLA Conference Awards committee will review nominations and select the award recipients by February 15, 2015. All awards will be presented during the 2015 National Conference.
Conference Highlights
Gala Dinner & Awards – Tuesday, April 28, 2015, 7:00 pm
Enjoy a delicious meal and an inspiring evening featuring live entertainment, distinguished speakers, and Excellence awards. Our eagerly anticipated Tuesday evening gathering is an opportunity to relax, network, and enjoy good food and great conversation with colleagues and friends. Join us as we acknowledge and celebrate foster care alumna and top blues and soul songstress, Janiva Magness, as CWLA’s newest ambassador.
Prepare to be inspired. CWLA will be honoring additional individuals and organizations with a demonstrated commitment to improving outcomes for children and families who are vulnerable and achievements that improve the safety, permanence, and well-being of children. The CWLA awards program encourages excellence and innovation for child welfare, highlights efforts that positively impact our work, and acknowledges “champions” and role models.
Be sure to also attend the pre-gala reception in the Exhibit Hall. And raise your glass to CWLA’s 94th year.
Meet & Network with CWLA Authors
Hailing from Glasgow, Scotland, CWLA author and philanthropist Kathleen Pelley has been writing children’s books for decades. CWLA published her first children’s picture book, The Giant King, in 2003. Since then, she’s published a litany of successful children’s books. Her newest, due out next fall, is Happy Mamas, a beautifully written and illustrated book for mothers, babies, and toddlers — and anyone and everyone who is moved by the power of motherly love. Kathleen donates all the proceeds from the sale of her books to the Makumbi Children’s Home for AIDS orphans in Zimbabwe.
Meet Kathleen Pelley and other CWLA authors during conference plenary sessions and in the Exhibit Hall.
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
A1 – Dual Status Youth: New Strategies, Tools, and Resources for Improving Outcomes in Your Jurisdiction
Dual status youth are individuals who come into contact with both the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. New tools and opportunities for reform on behalf of dual status youth are emerging. This workshop will provide participants with the most up to date research, field experiences, publications and guidance from experts as well as representatives from jurisdictions working to transform the outcomes for their dual status youth.
Presenter(s): John Tuell, RFK Children’s Action Corps, Boston, MA
A2 – What’s Happening to the Title IV-E Adoption Assistance De-link Savings?
The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-351) de-linked a child’s eligibility for federal title IV-E adoption assistance, from the outdated Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program. The “de-link” is phased in over a ten year period. By 2018, all children with special needs adopted from foster care (who meet other title IV-E criteria) will be eligible for federal adoption assistance. As a result, states stand to accrue a significant savings over time. The law requires that savings be reinvested into child welfare services, to ensure that increased federal support is recognized within child welfare programs.
Presenter(s): Nicole Dobbins, Voice for Adoption, Washington, DC and Joe Kroll, North American Council on Adoptable Children, St. Paul, MN
A3 – Advancing Excellence in Child Welfare: Emerging Caseload Trends and Issues
There have been shifts and changes taking place in practice resulting from research, policy changes, and legislative requirements which call for us to examine the current caseloads standards identified in the CWLA Standards of Excellence. While the National Blueprint includes many of these practices there are other emerging issues that are identified that also require the field reviewing the current caseload standards across the full spectrum of services. This workshop will identify the emerging caseload trends and issues, current caseloads rates, and the results of a recent survey of CWLA members around the workforce challenges they are experiencing which are impacting caseloads/workloads and their ability to provide quality services. Part of the time will be taken to explore with the participants what they are experiencing and help identify what else should be considered in reviewing, updating/creating caseload standards.
Presenter(s): Julie Collins, CWLA, Washington, DC and Andrea Bartolo, CWLA, Acton, MA
A4 – Challenging Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare
This workshop is designed to increase awareness and knowledge about approaches to examine and address the disproportionate representation of children of color in the nation’s child welfare system. It will feature resource materials included in a series of recently published CWLA handbooks designed to highlight: research findings on disproportionality and disparate outcomes, ethical concerns, as well as exercises and strategies to engage students, faculty, administrators, practitioners, policy makers, communities and organizations to address this issue.
Presenter(s): Ruth McRoy, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA and Kathleen Belanger, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX
A5 – Turning Challenges into Opportunities
This workshop illustrates how a rural county’s strategic plan to “Fight Poverty and Abuse” is producing results. The presenter will share several of the multi-functional programs developed and implemented int he county and explain how innovative plans and programs such as Playbook, Hmong Women initiative, All Dads Matter, All Moms Matter and Child Abuse Treatment and others are galvanizing change at the local level. All these programs are multi-functional, with the focus on preventing child abuse and providing second opportunities for those we serve. the presenter will exemplify how the many challenges communities of all sizes face can be turned into opportunities for change. Participants learn not only how to initiate but also maximize change in their communities.
Presenter(s): Magaly Guillen, Merced County Human Services Agency, Merced, CA
A6 – Changing Foster Care by Cultivating Community
Our country’s current foster care crisis presents the opportunity for a new type of community. The solution to changing the way foster care is delivered begins with cultivating and equipping faith-based communities through a relationship-enhanced model that allows the ability to focus on quality, build capacity and increase stability.
Presenter(s): Bill Hancock, FaithBridge Foster Care, Atlanta, GA
A7 – Addressing Vulnerability from a Family Centered Approach: Two Program Models that Reflect the CWLA National Blueprint
This workshop will feature two program models that strengthen and support families. The Maryville Crisis Nursery program is designed to be a preventative service to families in crisis with children ages birth to six to reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect. The presentation will share a preventative approach to families by providing immediate crisis child care and support 24/7, 365 days a year. The goals of the program are to reduce parental stress, reduce the maltreatment of children and also improve parenting skills. Proyecto Nacer’s Family Incubator Model is a family centered approach for vulnerable premature families. The presentation will share all of the services the program provides; from education, preventive health care, activities, early intervention for the infants and toddlers, spiritual service, economic incentive, among others. It will also highlight how the program achieves connection with the supporting families and the premature family, as well as testimonies of teen parents that received services.
Presenter(s): Amy Kendal-Lynch, Maryville Crisis Nursery, Chicago, IL; and Anayra Túa López and Eunice H. Pike Vélez, Proyecto Nacer, Inc., Bayamon, PR
A8 – Pay For Success
Pay For Success and Social Impact Bonds are new opportunities for implementing evidence based practices in social services. This workshop will introduce the concepts of Pay for Success and how they are being implemented in the nation’s first child welfare and county level Pay For Success project. The randomized control trial project is focused on reducing the length of foster care days for children whose parents are homeless through the use of evidence based practices.
Presenter(s): Karen Anderson, Cuyahoga County Children and Family Services, Cleveland, OH; and Russell Spieth, FrontLine Service, Cleveland, OH
A9 – Traditions of Caring and Collaborating: A Kinship Care Model of Practice to Achieve Child and Family Safety and Well-Being Across Generations
This workshop shares an evidence-based model of practice to collaborate with kinship caregivers to discuss and document their ability, resources, and willingness to provide care for their younger family members. Assessment issues include legal, financial, child behavior, family relationships, fair and equal treatment, access to community supports, and more. Dynamics of family relationships and relatives who are considering adoption or who have adopted will be emphasized
Presenter(s): Donna Petras, CWLA, Lincolnshire, IL; Eileen Mayers Pasztor, CWLA, Manhattan Beach, CA; and Eshele Williams, Hillsides, Pasadena, CA
A10 – Culturally Sensitive Practice with Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Youth in Care
Young people living outside of gender norms are everywhere. Unfortunately, they are also over-represented in the foster care system, where they are often subject to discrimination, harassment and violence. Workshop participants will learn about the unique experiences and needs of transgender and gender-non-conforming (TGNC) youth, as well as best practices guidelines to better serve this community.
Presenter(s): Currey Cook, Lambda Legal, New York, NY
A11 – Child Protection: Working Collaboratively the Military and Civilian Response
Child abuse/neglect occur in military families at rates similar to the general population. The protection of military children is complicated as the Military Family Advocate investigates but the civilian child protection system still has statutory responsibilities. Because of this, it is necessary for systems to collaborate. For effective collaboration practitioners need to understand military culture, and the unique risk factors of military life. This session will provide models of child protection collaboration grounded in military and federal policy, an understanding of the military, and examples of good practice drawn from evidence on how to work with military family violence.
Presenter(s): Myrna McNitt, Boots on Ground Consulting, Holland, MI; Kimberly Kick, Boots on Ground Consulting, Libertyville, IL; Jennifer Bantner, Boots on Ground Consulting, McHenry, IL; Connie Schauer, Boots on Ground Consulting, Spencer, WI; and Jolaina Falkenstein, Boots on Ground Consulting, Spring Lake Park, MN
A12 – Promoting the Use of Research in Child Welfare and Related Services
Building on the work that the William T. Grant Foundation has done to promote research use and the production of relevant research to improve youth and family services, this workshop will focus on the potential of research to improve service implementation and outcomes for youth. The session will feature examples and lessons from efforts to embed research use in the operations of organizations providing child welfare and related services to youth and families. What did this take? What was gained? What were obstacles? How can these efforts be sustained?
Presenter(s): Kim DuMont, William T. Grant Foundation, New York, NY; Allison Blake, New Jersey Department of Children and Families, Trenton, NJ; Vicky Kelly, Department of Services for Children, Youth and Families, Wilmington, DE; and Monique B. Mitchell, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
A13 – Serving Victims of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Through Treatment Foster Care
Society has yet to understand the impact of domestic minor sex trafficking on local prevalence, community life, economics, and susceptible populations such as homeless youth and youth in foster care. H.R. 4980, signed in October 2014 by President Obama, requires all states to begin to identify, track, and provide services to victims of sex trafficking. The goals of this workshop are to increase awareness of this issue, to provide suggestions for professional and community response, and to recommend a multi-systems approach to identification, treatment, and reintegration of trafficked youth through congregate care and through treatment foster care.
Presenter(s): Laura Boyd, Foster Family-based Treatment Association, Norman, OK
A14 – Opiates and Child Welfare
A high percentage of children and families engaged in child welfare services are affected by some type of substance use disorder. When working with children and families with opioid use disorders, an important outcome that child welfare caseworkers are working towards is motivating the opioid-affected person to seek treatment, whether this is a child or parent/caregiver. This workshop on opiates will enhance the child welfare caseworker’s knowledge, skills, and abilities, and help them to be more effective in the identification, intervention, and referral to treatment of children and families affected by opioid use disorders, perhaps saving lives in the process.
Presenter(s): Edward J. Perka, Jr. and John Thompson, Professional Development Program, Rockefeller College, University at Albany, Albany, NY
A15 – Reaching Teens® – A Community Wide Effort to Build Resiliency and Reduce Trauma among Teens
Lena Pope is participating in a community wide effort to build resiliency and reduce trauma among adolescents utilizing Reaching Teens®. Reaching Teens® is a curriculum developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and Dr. Ken Ginsberg. The first objective is focused on implementing this collaborative project. The second objective will be to provide an overview of the collaborative efforts begun in 1999 that have led us to the current opportunity. The third objective will discuss components of a successful collaboration as well as discuss some of the challenges faced.
Presenter(s): Margaret Cohenour, Wayne Vaughn, Stacey Lewis and Christi Weaver, Lena Pope, Ft. Worth, TX
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
B1 – Perspectives of Birth Mothers of Internationally Adopted Children from Ethiopia
Ethiopia is one of five African countries permitting international adoption of children, many of whom are adopted by families from the United States. Questions have been raised regarding the Ethiopian adoption process and implications for agencies and adoptive parents. This workshop presents findings of a study of birth mothers of Ethiopian children adopted internationally. Topics include: Ethiopian cultural and policy context, birth mother’s understanding of international adoption, motivations for surrendering children, awareness of and involvement in the adoption process, relationships with adoptive parents, and experiences post-adoption. Implications for policy, programs and practices in international adoption will be discussed.
Presenter(s): Tenagne Alemu, School of Social Work Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
B2 – National Blueprint in Action
This session will feature presentations from entities that have been using CWLA’s National Blueprint for Excellence in Child Welfare in their reform efforts to improve outcomes for children, youth, and families at the practice, research and policy level. Participants will have opportunity to hear about how it is being used in many agencies and communities such as the community lead collaborative efforts in Nevada and the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families. Participants will also hear how the principles can and are being used to guide humanizing research methodologies to produce meaningful data and promote better outcomes for children and youth. Participants will be provided handouts of tools used to help with implementing these ideas and opportunity to dialogue with the presenters as well as sharing what they are doing currently to implement the National Blueprint in their work.
Presenter(s): Julie Collins, CWLA, Washington, DC; Denise Tanata Ashby, Children’s Advocacy Alliance, Las Vegas, NV; and Monique B. Mitchell, Louisa Vann and Toni Jones, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
B3 – What Are We Missing? Why Do Kids Keep Dying from Abuse and Neglect? (Two-Part Continued in Workshop Session C3)
Come hear about themes and lessons learned through CWLA’s fatality review work in several states since 2005. Join presenters for a Town Hall forum to discuss why we have not been more successful in reducing child fatalities from abuse and neglect, and what we should do differently.
Presenter(s): Frances P. Allegra, President, Seed School of Miami, Inc., Miami Gardens, FL; Hon. Gail Garinger (ret.), The Child Advocate, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston, MA; Etta Lappen Davis, Etsky Consulting, Bolton, MA; and Andrea Bartolo, CWLA, Acton, MA
B4 – 5 Powerful and Effective New Media Tools to Engage Your Community
Learn how integrating new media and traditional advocacy engages audiences and raises awareness for your organization. New media advocacy is a combination of on-demand access to digital content and the engagement and participation of followers for your mission related to an issue and its awareness. Whether it’s hits on the website, likes, or comments, increase your chances to engage audiences or gain additional donors by learning effective campaigns that tell your story and inform. Come ready to participate in the world of new media advocacy and learn five effective tools. Bring your smartphone, iPad, or computer to hit your mark.
Presenter(s): Joseph M. Costa, Marisol Barrios, and Alison Bell, Hillsides, Pasadena, CA
B5 – Playing Well In The Sand Box To Revitalize Communities
In this session, the presenters will provide an overview of an innovative and effective partnership among key community stakeholders to increase the collective impact on struggling families and children. The Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County, Florida has devoted its resources to engage the faith-based community, social service providers, community leaders, state, and federal funders to maximize each player’s potential to ensure a safer community.
Presenter(s): Trenia L. Cox and Yaridis L. Garcia, Juvenile Welfare Board, Clearwater, FL
B6 – Family Connect Meetings: Strengthening Family Engagement Practice for Youth of All Ages
A need exists for family engagement practices that support the intricate reconnection work required when youth and families have been separated for significant periods of time. Casey Family Program’s Family Connect Meetings bridge this gap. This staffing model draws on expertise of those who know the youth in their current setting, such as teachers, mentors and therapists, to share knowledge with the family. Family Connect Meetings provide opportunities to engage systems and community resources that interact with youth to develop a sense of shared responsibility for permanency. This model also facilitates renewed relationships and teaming between the family and child welfare authorities and expedites the permanency process.
Presenter(s): Holly Parks, Amy Michaels, and Nakisha Freeman, Casey Family Programs, Austin, TX
B7 – Building Blocks to Family and Community Engagment
Working to have a positive impact on the lives of children and their families is not the responsibility of any single agency, professional group, or individual, but rather it is a shared community concern. Family and community engagement is the foundation of best practice that promotes the social, emotional and well-being of children, youth, and families. Yet, professionals struggle with involving everyone in the process. This workshop will examine how professionals can engage and build productive collaboration. Participants will examine some of the challenges, the benefits and examine some of the core principles. Participants will hear how a community based organization is successful in engaging families and community partners.
Presenter(s): Sharon McKinley, Child Welfare Information Gateway, Fairfax, VA and Debbie Rock, LIGHT Health & Wellness Comprehensive Program, Inc., Baltimore, MD
B8 – Health Care Issues: Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act
This session will focus on proposed and potential changes and legislation that affects health care and child welfare. This workshop will discuss the expanded support and use of Therapeutic Foster Care through Medicaid and possible changes in the Affordable Care Act and other potential changes to Medicaid.
Presenter(s): Laura Boyd, Foster Family-based Treatment Association, Norman, OK and John Sciamanna, CWLA, Washington, DC
B9 – Collaborating Across Systems and Generations: Project Genesis and the Generations of Hope Community Model
Scheduled to open in Fall 2015, Project Genesis is an innovative housing initiative for young mothers transitioning from foster care in Washington, DC. The initiative is based on the Generations of Hope Community model that brings together service-minded older adults with vulnerable children, youth and families in need of social support. The workshop will showcase the collaboration of public-private partners developing Project Genesis, the first of two intergenerational community initiatives planned for the nation’s capital. Presenters will detail the collaborative planning process employed in DC and share information about similar intergenerational initiatives underway nationwide.
Presenter(s): Brenda Krause Eheart and Mark Dunham, Generations of Hope Development Corporation, Washington, DC; Brenda Donald, District of Columbia Health and Human Services, Washington, DC; Elin Zurbrigg, Mi Casa, Washington, DC; and Lori Kaplan, Latin American Youth Center, Washington, DC
B10 – Leadership through Culture Change and Strategic Plan Implementation
Every organization experiences the need for change, most often from external forces. Child welfare service delivery and funding models have changed dramatically over the past few years. The organizations that are able to adjust will both survive and thrive in this environment. This session will share one organization’s journey to develop and implement a strategic plan to ensure the organization’s future. It will be presented by both Board Members and leadership of the organization. Participants will be able to engage in conversation and will be given tools for developing their own plans and transformation.
Presenter(s): Ed Kelley, RFK Children’s Action Corps, Boston, MA
B11 – Trauma Informed Care: The Right Fit, One Agency’s Journey
This workshop is one Child Welfare Agency’s exploration, identification, orientation and implementation of the identified tool selected for Trauma Informed Care practice and framework used agency wide. The workshop will look at the journey, selection and tool used agency wide.
Presenter(s): Monte Ephraim, Board of Child Care, Baltimore, MD
B12 – Steps for Developing and Implementing Real World Fidelity Assessment Systems in Child Welfare
Child welfare agencies must build practical quality improvement systems to track meaningful indicators of quality. Using real world examples, participants will be guided through the steps for designing and implementing practical fidelity assessments to measure the degree to which new child welfare policies, programs, or practices are implemented as intended. Co-presenters will demonstrate methods to develop practice profiles or intervention manuals, develop fidelity criteria and indicators, and consider options for assessing fidelity over time. Participants will use their own examples to practice key elements of these steps and discuss how to use fidelity assessment results to guide improvement cycles.
Presenter(s): Diane DePanfilis, Pamela Clarkson Freeman, and Leah Bartley, University of Maryland School of Social Work, Baltimore, MD; James Durand and Dena Negron, Washoe County Department of Social Services, Reno, NV
B13 – Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) in Los Angeles: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
This workshop will provide an overview of the current, multi-disciplinary collaborations and programs in place in Los Angeles County to support and serve CSEC. This presentation will discuss the newly developed Law Enforcement First Responder Protocol for CSEC, which is a collaboration among child welfare, probation, law enforcement, health services, and a specialized CSEC advocate to make placement decisions, complete a safety plan, conduct a medical evaluation, and stabilize the child within the first 72 hours. Additionally presenters will discuss the specialized juvenile delinquency, STAR Court, and the other statewide efforts in California related to CSEC.
Presenter(s): Kate Walker, National Center for Youth Law, Oakland, CA; Michelle Guymon, Los Angeles County Probation Department, Downey, CA; Diane Iglesias, Los Angeles County Department of Children & Family Services, Los Angeles, CA; Kim Biddle and Kristina Fitz, Saving Innocence, Los Angeles, CA
B14 – Creating System Change: Collaborative Practice among Child Welfare, Substance Use Treatment and the Courts
Drawing upon the In-depth Technical National from the National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (NCSACW), substance abuse treatment, and the court systems, this session identifies the key components in developing the cross-system partnerships and practice changes needed to address the issues of substance use disorders among families in the child welfare system. This session will highlight system changes, data sharing, innovative services, outcomes and improved collaboration resulting from the framework and support provided by the NCSACW.
Presenter(s): Michele Rosenberg and Leslie Gross, District of Columbia Child and Family Services Agency, Washington, DC
B15 – Building Bridges between Child Welfare and Family Advocacy Programs to serve Military Families: Communication and Coordination Across Systems
Staff from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) and Family Advocacy Program (FAP) will describe the military and civilian responses to concerns for child abuse and neglect. The DoD’s FAP response, and their coordination with civilian child welfare system and child advocacy centers, will be described. Presenters will discuss the framework of a trauma-informed systems of care utilizing evidence-based interventions (such as TF-CBT, and Child Parent Psychotherapy), as well as focus on developmental models of treatment delivery (e.g., screening/assessment/interventions for very young children), as well as those that incorporate a strengths and resilience perspective. Finally, an ecological perspective will be presented that illustrates the military child victim in the contexts of several interdependent systems, and that highlights the importance of coordination across these systems (including FAP and CW). Military speakers will provide their perspectives on ways that military and community providers may improve their communication around incidence of abuse and referrals between and across systems. Learning Objectives – Attendees will be able to: describe opportunities for civilian child welfare agencies to coordinate with the military’s FAP; describe a trauma-informed approach to providing evidence based treatment for military families at-risk for child maltreatment; and list important military and community-based resources that provide technical assistance and training resources for military and community providers to connect and support each other in their states.
Presenters: Dr. Gregory Leskin, NCTSN Military and Veteran Families and UCLA/Duke University National Center for Child Traumatic Stress, Los Angeles, CA; Dr. Carole Campbell Swiecicki, The Dee Norton Lowcountry Children’s Center, Inc. and MUSC Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Charleston, SC; Dr. Phillip T. Stepka, Department of Psychiatry, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA; and Mary E. Campise, Office of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Military Community & Family Policy, Washington, DC
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
C1 – Enriching the Soil: Creating Trauma Informed Environments That Grow Resilience
Promoting resilience and recovery for children who have experienced multiple types of trauma requires a trauma-informed approach across multiple child- and family-serving systems. During this presentation, elements of trauma-informed care for children in out-of-home settings will be described. Two unique programs for training caregivers/service providers will be described: a trauma-informed parenting workshop for foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers and a staff training curriculum that focuses on creating therapeutic environments of care. The first program described will be the “Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma” (also known as the Resource Parent Curriculum; RPC), which was developed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) as an in-service training for resource parents to help them see the child through the lens of trauma’s effects and offer a trauma-informed approach to help them heal. The second program described will be the “Building Communities of Care” training review, which is a training curriculum for staff and caregivers that teaches ways to create therapeutic trauma informed environments to best support the success of the clients we serve.
Presenter(s): Kari Beserra, Stacey Forrest and Robert Gervais, Justice Resource Institute, Needham, MA; and Kate Murray and Kelly Sullivan, Center for Child and Family Health, Duke University,
Durham, NC
C2 – Protecting Our Children: Conducting Comprehensive Program Assessments with Tribal Child Welfare Agencies
The Capacity Building Center for Tribes, a federally funded child welfare technical assistance provider, has developed a culturally responsive program assessment framework to help tribes identify the strengths and needs of their child welfare systems. This framework fills a void in the child welfare field, and by using a connected and systemic approach, this process allows tribal child welfare programs to be purposeful when focusing resources on program improvement initiatives. This workshop will present the assessment protocol, discuss how it has been used with tribes across the US, and invite participants to share their own experiences conducting culturally-responsive assessments and evaluations in tribal and indigenous contexts.
Presenter(s): Stacie Hanson and Nancy Lucero, Butler Institute, University of Denver, Denver, CO; and Joe Walker, Tribal Law and Policy Institute, Helena, MT
C3 – What Are We Missing? Why Do Kids Keep Dying from Abuse and Neglect? (Two-Part Continued from Workshop Session B3)
Come hear about themes and lessons learned through CWLA’s fatality review work in several states since 2005. Join presenters for a Town Hall forum to discuss why we have not been more successful in reducing child fatalities from abuse and neglect, and what we should do differently.
Presenter(s): Frances P. Allegra, President, Seed School of Miami, Inc., Miami Gardens, FL; Hon. Gail Garinger (ret.), The Child Advocate, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston, MA; Etta Lappen Davis, Etsky Consulting, Bolton, MA; and Andrea Bartolo, CWLA, Acton, MA
C4 – Church Stewardship and Community Ownership in Collaboration with Child Welfare Conservatorship for Healthier Families
When Child Protective Services, the church, and the community partner together and combine resources creatively, meaningful relationships are developed for children and families that result in additional services and improved outcomes. Texas child welfare has collaborated with faith communities to create an empowerment model for interested churches to develop their unique community-based “Orphan Care Ministries”. In this session, participants will learn how to replicate and sustain the Texas model of collaboration with faith communities, hear about ministries that are currently offering services to children, youth, and families, and examine the larger impact this model could have in other systems to use public/ private partnerships for leveraging the previously underutilized resource of faith communities for clients
Presenter(s): Jackie Hubbard and Gail Gonzalez, Texas Department of Family and Protecitve Services (TX DFPS), Austin, TX; and Bishop Aaron Blake, TX DFPS Advisory Committee on Promoting Adoption of Minority Children, Brownwood, TX
C5 – Connecting the Dots: Collective Impact for Families
The Family Services Initiative (FSI) connects Pinellas County agencies and resources together to help struggling families. Not a handout, but a partnership with families to provide the right service, at the right time, and in the right amount. In this workshop, participants will gain insight into how the Juvenile Welfare Board’s community think tank uses a shared information system to analyze key data and trends and provide for system evaluation to help coordinate services for families throughout Pinellas County, Florida.
Presenter(s): Marcie A. Biddleman and Jeanine Evoli, Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County, Clearwater, FL
C6 – Improving Educational Outcomes for Children in Foster Care
This session will highlight innovative ways to infuse education priorities into child welfare practice. DC CFSA, in collaboration with the ABA’s Legal Center on Education and Foster care, did an organizational analysis of education related policies and practices guided by the Legal Center’s education framework, the Blueprint for Change. The framework outlines 8 goals for education success for foster children. A comprehensive strategy – including identifying improvements to policy, practice, training, internal staffing and coordination, collaboration with external partners, and data collection, sharing and analysis was developed. Information will be shared about the Blueprint for Change, national education trends, and the innovative work going on in DC regarding how to use the Blueprint to guide child welfare practice and collaboration.
Presenter(s): Leslie Gross and Megan Dho, District of Columbia Child and Family Services Agency, Washington, DC; and Kathleen McNaught, American Bar Association, Center on Children and the Law, Washington, DC
C7 – Leading Adaptively in Child Welfare – The New Mexico Experience
New Mexico’s Children, Youth and Families Division spent the last four years operationalizing the Adaptive Leadership Framework across all levels of the agency. The activities have included large summit sessions, executive team coaching, small team meetings, and local experimentation efforts, all designed to teach and hone adaptive leadership skills and develop scalable system changes that will improve outcomes. NM leaders will share their experiences, successes and challenges. They will offer specific tools, strategies and interventions that worked, as well as unique insight into both the power and difficulty in creating and maintaining a culture that encourages and embeds adaptive leadership.
Presenter(s): Peter Watson, Children, Youth and Families, USM/Muskie School, Portland, ME; Jared Rounsville and Annamarie Luna, New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department, Protective Services, Santa Fe, NM
C8 – Testing What Works to Strengthen Family Relationships for LGBTQ Children and Youth in the Child Welfare System, Using the Integration of Fidelity Assessment, Coaching and Supervision
The Los Angeles LGBT Center’s RISE Project, a Children’s Bureau Permanency Innovations Initiative grantee, will describe a new care coordination service model for LGBTQ and gender non-conforming children and youth involved in the child welfare system. RISE managers, fidelity reviewers and coaches will focus on their experiences using Implementation Science principles to apply the core improvement drivers of fidelity assessment, coaching and supervision to testing and improving intervention activities to strengthen family relationships for LGBTQ children and youth, with a focus on decreasing family rejection, increasing support for LGBTQ identity, and nurturing emotional permanency as a path toward legal permanency.
Presenter(s): Lisa Parrish and Danielle Altman, Los Angeles LGBT Center, Los Angeles, CA; Robert Friend, Seneca Family of Agencies, Oakland, CA; and Vida Khavar, Child Welfare Consultant, Los Angeles, CA
C9 – Building an Integrated Practice Model for Child Welfare and Mental Health
This workshop will explore the development and implementation of an integrated practice model for child welfare and mental health currently under way in California. We will provide a brief overview of the history and background of the Katie A lawsuit settlement agreement and then move on to a discussion of the Core Practice Model Guide, its foundational values and principles, and the basic elements of the new model: universal screening, comprehensive assessment, trauma-informed practices, and a child-and-family team approach. Participants will also be introduced to the training and technical assistance model that is supporting this transformation.
Presenter(s): Richard Weisgal, American Institutes for Research, Walnut Creek, CA and Lisa Molinar, Shared Vision Consultants, Dublin, CA
C10 – Parent Support Providers: A Nontraditional Peer Workforce Initiative
Family peer support, as an emerging work force, is an essential component in the effective provision of services and supports for youth and families across child-serving systems. While there is variability in structure and funding mechanisms, the key elements of family peer support include advocacy, education, training and peer-to-peer support. Through the incorporation of peers with the lived experience of parenting a child who has experienced behavioral health challenges, families and caregivers receive an essential enhancement to the formal services that promote the health and well being of children. Though evidence of the effectiveness is still emerging, the existing research suggests positive outcomes for families receiving peer support. Families report overall satisfaction along with a heightened sense of self-efficacy and empowerment.
Presenter(s): Lynda Gargan and Sandra Spencer, National Federation of Families For Children’s Mental Health, Rockville, MD
C11 – Now and Ahead: What’s in Store from Congress for Child Welfare and Financing of Needed Services?
With the new Congress in place, decisions are sure to be made on the budget and child welfare policy. This workshop will provide participants with an overview of the latest actions taking place on the Hill and possible action in the near future. In addition to child welfare, this session may touch on other vital areas such as Home Visiting, Immigration Policy, Pre-K, Social Services Block Grant and TANF. Session participants will come away with an idea of what their next steps should be to provide advocacy for child welfare and financing of needed services.
Presenter(s): Tim Briceland-Betts and John Sciamanna, CWLA Washington, DC; and Shadi Houshyar, First Focus, Washington, DC (invited)
C12 – Resiliency: Nurturing Youth, Families and Staff
What does it mean to be resilient and why are some more resilient that others? What if there was a way to increase the level of resiliency in the individuals you work with?After all, we are wired to connect, and we have the opportunity and ability to influence one another. Throughout life, the brain has the ability to change as new information and learning is introduced. Through the exploration of the power of the mind, our effects on one another through language and behavior, the use of empathy and positive psychology participants will leave with a reframe and tools to use to nurture resiliency in their clients, their staff and even themselves.
Presenter(s): Beth A. Enser, The Children’s Village, Dobbs Ferry, NY
C13 – A Toolbox for Supervisors and Managers: Working with Staff to Develop and Support Resource Parents as Team Members in Child Protection
This workshop shares strategies to help ensure best practice consistency in the implementation of a model of practice to develop and support resource parents (foster and adoptive) as team members for child safety, well-being and permanency. The focus is on administrators and supervisors of staff who conduct family assessments (home studies) and work with families post child placement to minimize trauma for children and maximize teamwork among families and staff.
Presenter(s): Donna Petras, CWLA, Lincolnshire, IL and Eileen Mayers Pasztor, CWLA, Manhattan Beach, CA
C14 – Supporting Healthy Attachments and Healing Trauma: Supporting Successful Child Welfare Reunification through Family-Centered Practice
Children who enter the child welfare system often become additionally traumatized through the practice intended to heal them. Healthy development occurs within the context of a healthy family. This presentation outlines Youth Advocate Programs’ partnership with the St. Lawrence County (NY) Department of Social Services to provide family-centered interventions that support successful family reunification of children ages 0-5. This approach includes intensive coaching and education of parents, frequent supervised parent/child visitation, engaging parents in planning, linkage to concrete supports, 24/7 crisis intervention, and case conferencing. This program has seen a 100% successful completion rate over a 2-year period.
Presenter(s): Bob Swanson, Youth Advocate Programs, Lebanon, PA; Dana LaCoss and Cindy Allen, Youth Advocate Programs, Canton, NY; and Diane Wilby, St. Lawrence Couty Department of Social Services, Canton, NY
C15 – The Human Equity Advantage: Beyond Diversity to Talent Optimization
In North America, the diversity of the child welfare service recipients and providers continues to expand. It is a trend that will continue long into the future. Leaders and managers need new ways to tap into the unique talents and strengths of each employee in order to respond to a work environment with evolving competencies, advancements in technological requirements, and changing demographics. The workshop will present a new management model through using eight core competencies that focuses on individual differentiation, talent differentiation and maximizing human equity.
Presenter(s): Trevor Wilson, TWI, Inc., Toronto, ON and David Rivard, Children’s Aid Society of Toronto, Toronto, ON
Super Sessions
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Advancing Excellence in Residential Transformation: Practice, Policy, and Funding
The growing movement to improve the outcomes of residential interventions/services has generated a host of different responses. This timely super session will highlight work taking place by public and private agencies across the country to improve the outcomes of the children, youth, and families that are touched by residential interventions/services. Participants will hear about the best practices that public and private agencies are using to improve the quality of residential services and how they are funding their efforts. Their challenges and lessons learned will also be shared. A special panel of representatives from the Administration for Children and Families, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration will share what their department is doing to support the efforts to improve the outcomes of the children, youth, and families that are touched by residential interventions/services. Session participants will have opportunity to: 1) talk about their funding and policy challenges with the panel representatives; and, 2) what would be helpful for the departments to consider in order for public and private agencies to successfully improve the outcomes of those touched by residential interventions/services. The final part of the session will focus on CWLA’s work regarding the existing policy issues that need to be addressed, the proposed legislation that will potentially impact, and recommendations from participants for moving forward.
Presenters: Julie Collins, CWLA, Washington, DC and Kari Sisson, American Association of Children’s Residential Centers. Milwaukee, WI
Emerging and Promising Practices for Addressing the Unique Needs of Immigrant Children and Families
As the population of children in immigrant families increases in the United States, child welfare agencies will need to develop strategies that respond to their unique needs. This supersession, presented in partnership with The Center on Immigration and Child Welfare (formerly the Migration and Child Welfare National Network), will provide promising strategies being implemented by child welfare agencies to address these needs and facilitate positive outcomes for children in immigrant families. Strategies will focus on engaging immigrant families and addressing unique barriers that may impact service delivery to promote safety and well-being. Specific strategies for fostering participation of detained and deported parents will also be addressed, as well as implications of recent immigration actions including the Parental Interests Directive.
Presenters: Alan J. Dettlaff and Lyn Morland, Center on Immigration and Child Welfare, Jane Addams College of Social Work, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; and Christina Richie Cooper and Scott Trowbridge, American Bar Association, Center on Children and the Law, Washington, DC
Engaging Fathers in the Child Welfare and Related Child & Family Systems
This Super Session will include an overview of the history of the fatherhood movement and how it intersects with child welfare, information about the role that fathers play in advancing child well-being, and an opportunity to discuss the policy and practice challenges that child welfare and related fields experience in engaging fathers. The session will feature individuals who have worked on this issue at the national level and a panel of individuals from organizations that have active community-based father engagement efforts.
Presenters: Rufus Sylvester Lynch, Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia, PA; Teresa Thompson, Catholic Community Services, Archdiocese of Philadelphia, PA; Kerry Krieger, Delta Community Supports, Glenside, PA; Jeffrey Shears, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; Kirk E. Harris, Fathers, Families and Healthy Communities, Chicago, IL; Alan-Michael Graves, Children’s Institute, Inc., Los Angeles, CA; Raul E. Monfort, Congreso De Latinos Unidos, Inc., Philadelphia, PA; and Judith Knittel, Contra Costa County Children and Family Services, Pleasant Hill, CA
Supporting Youth in Moving Toward Permanent, Productive Futures
It has been recognized that too many youth involved in the child welfare system transition to independence and adulthood without command of the life skills, adequate supports, and preparation for challenges faced by young adults. This Super Session focuses on programs and strategies to assure that youth have what they need to achieve educational and employment success, secure and maintain stable and adequate housing, build effective financial literacy, and develop self-advocacy skills. The session provides an opportunity to hear and learn about effective program designs, collaborative strategies within and across organizations, and approaches specifically designed to engage and create opportunities for youth confidence, competency, and development.
Presenter(s): Paige Fern Chan, Alliance for Children’s Rights, Los Angeles, CA; Peter Samuelson, First Star, Los Angeles, CA; Victoria Mahand, One Circle Foundation, San Rafael, CA; Jessica Trombetta, New Jersey Department of Children and Families, Trenton, NJ; Leigh Mahoney, RKF Children’s Action Corps, Boston, MA; Jesica Maxwell, The Children’s Aid Society, New York, NY; Kathleen Savino, The Connection, Inc., Hartford, CT; Tara Linh Leaman, Westchester County Department of Social Services, White Plains, NY; and Desmond Brown, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Washington, DC
Plenary Sessions & Speakers
Monday, April, 27, 2015
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Advancing Excellence in Child Welfare
Excellence in child welfare means achieving the vision that all children will grow up safely, in loving families and supportive communities, with everything they need to flourish. At this session you will hear from CWLA’s President and leadership, child welfare leaders in the region, and representatives from our national conference planning committee on what it takes to achieve this vision through shared learning. A key aspect of this is a focus on prevention and family/community strengthening, which will be addressed by James Hmurovich, President & CEO, Prevent Child Abuse America.
Monday, April 27, 2015
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Advocating for Excellence for Children
CWLA advocates for best policies and practices and encourages building strategic alliances that result in improved outcomes. In this session, you will receive a comprehensive briefing from CWLA’s policy team about key legislative issues that will impact our field as we strive to advance excellence for the children and families that we serve.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Achieving Excellence through Innovation and Collaboration
CWLA encourages and supports innovative approaches and multi-system collaborations that improve the well-being and success of children, youth, and families who are the most vulnerable. In this session, you will hear from motivational speaker Richard Price, a former youth in care and adoptee and who was ultimately reunited with his family, about the importance of innovation and collaboration to achieve excellence for children and families.
At-A-Glance Schedule
At-A-Glance Schedule
Saturday, April 25, 2015
8:30 am
Registration for Trainees Only
9:00 am–5:00 pm
Supervision Training
Sunday, April 26, 2015
9:00 am–5:00 pm
Supervision Training
4:00 pm–7:00 pm
Registration/CEU Desk
6:00 pm–7:00 pm
CWLA Annual Meeting
7:30 pm–9:00 pm
Joint Meeting–CWLA National Commissions
Monday, April 27, 2015
7:00 am–6:00 pm
Registration/CEU Desk
9:00 am–5:00 pm
Supervision Training
9:00 am–10:30 am
Opening Plenary Session
10:30 am–11:00 am
Break – Exhibit Hall
11:00 am–12:30 pm
Workshop Sessions A
12:30 pm–1:00 pm
Lunch – Exhibit Hall
1:00 pm–2:00 pm
Plenary Session: Policy Briefing
2:15 pm–3:45 pm
Workshops Sessions B
4:00 pm–5:30 pm
Workshops Sessions C
6:00 pm–7:00 pm
Opening Night Reception – Exhibit Hall
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
7:30 am–4:30 pm
Registration/CEU Desk
7:30 am–8:30 am
Continental Breakfast – Exhibit Hall
7:30 am–8:30 am
CWLA/OPEN MINDS Leadership Council – Child Welfare Trends
8:30 am–12:00 pm
CWLA/OPEN MINDS Leadership Council – Child & Family Outcomes
8:30 am–10:00 am
Workshop Sessions D
10:15 am
Leave for Capitol Hill
11:00 am–3:00 pm
Congressional Visits on Capitol Hill with Hospitality Room
**For attendees not participating in Hill Day **
10:30 am–12:00 pm
Advocacy Sessions
12:15 pm–1:45 pm
Lunch – Exhibit Hall
2:00 pm–3:30 pm
Advocacy Sessions
4:30 pm–5:00 pm
Call to Action @ Hotel
6:00 pm–7:00 pm
Gala Reception – Exhibit Hall
7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Gala Dinner, Awards & Entertainment
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
7:30 am–5:00 pm
Registration/CEU Desk
7:30 am–8:45 am
Continental Breakfast – Exhibit Hall
9:00 am–5:00 pm
PRIDE Training
9:00 am–12:30 pm
Super Sessions
10:30 am–11:00 pm
Exhibit Hall Closing Break
1:00 pm–3:00 pm
Closing Lunch Plenary
3:00 pm–4:30 pm
Post Conference Meetings
Thursday, April 30, 2015
9:00 am–5:00 pm
PRIDE Training
Training Opportunities
Supervising for Success: Achieving Goals through Others
The quality of supervision is an important factor in an organization’s ability to achieve desired outcomes for children and families, retain staff, and support staff in achieving a maximum level of job performance and professional development. This interactive three-day training, Supervising for Success: Achieving Goals through Others, focuses on the essential functions of supervision that support relationship building, partnerships, and team-building in supervision. Leading, Planning, Organizing, Teaching, Supporting, and Evaluating functions are explored in detail through discussion of supporting literature, self-assessment tools, informative handouts, and group exercises and role play based on case and situational examples. The training is designed to enable new and experienced supervisors and middle managers to learn and enhance competence in implementing evidence-based skills to provide guidance appropriate for individual staff; promote engagement and commonality of approaches between levels of management to achieve organizational goals; enhance supervisor and middle manager skill in leading the development of collaborative partnerships in supervision; and create opportunity for supervisor-supervisee relationships that support coordinated and effective team functioning.
Training Schedule:
Saturday, April 25, 2015, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday, April 26, 2015, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Monday, April 27, 2015, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Training Fee:
With Conference Registration: $250
Without Conference Registration: $425
(Includes continental breakfast & training handouts)
The Next Generation of Pre-Service Training and Mutual Assessment — Foster PRIDE/Adopt PRIDE Goes Online: A Partnership between CWLA and Foster Parent College
CWLA and Foster Parent College (FPC) have integrated the strengths of traditional groups, agency and family assessment meetings, and online training to meet the learning needs of diverse families and agency and family resources. This two-day training is designed for agencies that are using the PRIDE Model of Practice pre-service preparation and assessment program and wish to learn about this innovative, cost-effective strategy to prepare and assess prospective resource (foster and adoptive) parents as team members in child protection and trauma-informed care of children. The training features up-to-date strategies, techniques, vignettes, and examples drawn from and tested in the field. Anyone not familiar with the PRIDE Model of Practice who would like to learn about this next generation is also welcome.
Training Objectives:
• Provide the rationale for an innovative, cost-effective, online/in-person model for pre-service preparation (training) and assessment (home study) of prospective foster parents.
• Demonstrate the components of the model.
• Illustrate how this hybrid approach can meet learning and resource needs of diverse agencies and families.
• Provide a framework for agency implementation of the FosterPRIDE/AdoptPRIDE next generation as an innovative component of the PRIDE Model of Practice
Training Schedule:
Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday, April 30, 2015, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Training Fee:
With Conference Registration: $325
Without Conference Registration: $475
(Includes continental breakfast & training handouts)
Advocacy Day
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Going to Capitol Hill Makes a Difference!
The most important thing you can do at the conference is promote child welfare priorities on Capitol Hill! CWLA’s Advocacy Day is the largest national advocacy event of the year focused on child welfare policy in Washington. On April 28, hundreds of conference attendees will go make their voices heard on Capitol Hill. With a new Congress in power led by many new members in key positions, this year’s meetings will be very important.
It will be an opportunity for both CWLA members and partners to educate Congress on what you do and what is needed. The Plenary Session: Policy Briefing on Monday afternoon will help prepare you for congressional visits. Congress will likely be in the middle of a major debate on the budget, appropriations, and the potential impact on child welfare and child welfare funding.
Join us and head to Capitol Hill to meet with the new Congress!
10:15 am Leave for Capitol Hill
11:00 am–3:00 pm Congressional Visits on Capitol Hill with Hospitality Room
4:00 pm–5:00 pm Call to Action @ Hotel