Support Families and Children Impacted by the Louisiana Floods

Dear Colleagues:

There are well over 100,000 children and families in Louisiana whose lives have been turned upside down by the recent flooding.  Dozens of child care organizations have lost their licenses due to the flood devastation, schools are closed and inoperable, and parents and families are struggling to maintain a normal life for their children.

Many of you are in communities where natural disasters have occurred in the past, and you know that families and organizations will be challenged for months and years.

With help from Keith Liederman, CWLA Board Member and CEO of CWLA member agency, Kingsley House, I have been in contact with the United Ways in the impacted areas of Louisiana that will work with community organizations to support their efforts in serving families and children impacted by the floods.   Keith and I both have a long history with United Ways and know the good work that they do in responding to these kinds of situations and in ensuring that highly effective relief and recovery mechanisms are in place.  I was CEO of a United Way for ten years and Kingsley House has been a UW Member for more than 70 years.

If you are in the position to help the United Ways and partner organizations in Louisiana, please use the link below.  I have also let the United Ways know that the CWLA extended family also stands ready to provide advice, support and words of encouragement.  Keith, a leader in the recovery after Katrina, is already sharing his knowledge and experience with the organizations in Louisiana impacted by the floods and is a fantastic ambassador for the CWLA family.

To make a donation, there is a fund that is managed by the Louisiana Association of United Ways.  You can view their page here  It also has links to the various affected communities in case you desire to direct your support in a more targeted way.


Christine James- Brown
CWLA President & CEO