The House is scheduled to take up a “minibus” appropriations for full debate and vote on the House floor. Called a minibus instead of an omnibus, the appropriations legislation rolls together seven bills, including the appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (Labor-HHS). There are twelve appropriations bills, and the combining of these seven bills both speeds up the time for debate and assures the increased likelihood of passage since there is something for everyone when bills like Labor-HHS, Agriculture, Financial Services, Interior, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Transportation-Housing are rolled together.
As noted last week, the HHS piece of the bill includes increased funding for CAPTA state grants (receiving $125 million, which is $5 million more than the Administration request), more funding for the CB-CAP ($90 million, which is $10 million more than the Administration request), a new $100 million to address racial inequity within child welfare through competitive grants; a significant increase of $9 million for the Family First Act Clearinghouse (up from $2 million) and $30 million for formula grants to states and tribal agencies to develop, enhance, or evaluate Kinship Navigator programs.
For an overall chart of some key child welfare and children’s program spending levels, go here. For an early CWLA summary of the Administration request, go here.
While the Senate has not yet acted, the House bill plus the Biden Administration requests lay down a strong marker for any final deal which may not be reached until October or even November.