/* IMPORTANT! This code is to provide functionality for authenticated users only and should run from a page which has additional security, e.g. SSL */
$accountToken = “67c58c5b-705a-4da5-a950-3f8dd74fb30c”;
/* The code below should contain the number of hours difference from Alaska time, i.e. GrantStation?s server, e.g. -4 if your server is in ET. See the current server time at https://www.grantstation.com/IPaddress.asp.*/
$serverTimeOffset = -4;
/* The lines below will translate the time and create your custom URL */
$normalizedDateTime = strtotime($serverTimeOffset . ‘ hours’);
$dateToken = date(“Y;n;j;G;”, $normalizedDateTime) . intval(date(“i”));
$gsURL = “https://www.grantstation.com/Licensing?ID=” . $accountToken . “;” . md5($dateToken, false);
header(‘Location: ‘ . $gsURL);