Generations United released a new fact sheet highlighting the positive outcomes for children who are raised by grandparents rather than a traditional foster family placement. More than 2.5 million children across the U.S. are raised in kinship families, in which grandparents, another adult family member, or a close family friend are raising children who cannot be with their parents. The benefits include increased stability, achieving permanency, better behavioral and mental health outcomes, more feelings of belonging and acceptance, increased likelihood of living with or staying connected to siblings, and greater preservation of cultural identity and connections to family.
The fact sheet also noted the need for supportive services for grandparents raising grandchildren, as many of these caregivers lack the necessary resources to fully support the children in their care. Additional support in areas such as kinship navigator programs that provide a single entry point for learning about housing, health services, and financial and legal assistance, along with improved household resources and access to mental health services are needed.