The Department of Education (DOE) began the process of producing regulations as a result of the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) now referred to as, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). DOE sought advice and recommendations from the public on which areas need regulation and implementation. The request resulted in written comments from more than 370 individuals and organizations including CWLA. Now the DOE is moving forward with the process.
The DOE posted a notice of intention to establish a negotiated rulemaking committee to prepare proposed regulations. The negotiating committee will include representatives of constituencies that are significantly affected by the topics proposed for negotiations, including Federal, State, and local education administrators, tribal leadership, parents and students, including historically underrepresented students, teachers, principals, other school leaders (including charter school leaders), paraprofessionals, members of State and local boards of education, the civil rights community, including representatives of students with disabilities, English learners, and other historically underserved students, and the business community.
The Department is requesting nominations for individual negotiators who represent key stakeholder constituencies for the issues to be negotiated to serve on the committee, and we set a schedule for committee meetings. The deadline for submitting nominations is February 25, 2016. The process for making nominations is discussed in the notice in the Federal Register, Thursday, February 4, 2016