As Valentine’s Day approaches, it’s a great time for a new art project in early learning classrooms and with all your friends and neighbors! We need your help to make valentines to the U.S. Senate that highlight the importance of investing in high-quality, affordable child care. This project is part of an effort by the National Women’s Law Center, national partners, and child care advocates across the country to ensure that Congress understands the need for new funding to successfully implement the new Child Care and Development Block Grant reauthorization law.
Here’s how you can get involved:
Step 1: Ask your networks and your friends and relatives to make valentines with child care messages (e.g. “Support young hearts & minds: Invest in child care!).
Step 2: Mail valentines to D.C. (more info about where to send below) by Friday, 2/6.
Step 3: We’ll deliver the valentines to Senate offices on Thursday, February 12.
Here’s where to send valentines:
National organizations can collect valentines from their membership and networks and deliver them to Amanda Hooper at NWLC, or have your fields send them to Amanda at NWLC (Address: National Women’s Law Center , 11 Dupont Circle NW, Ste 800; Washington, DC 20036). Whether delivered by national organizations or mailed by your fields, please make sure the valentines arrive at NWLC by February 9.
Once we have the valentines, we’ll need a group of volunteers to help deliver them to Senate offices. If you have staff or members in D.C. and are able to participate in the delivery on Thursday, 2/12, please email Amanda (
Please contact Amanda Hooper ( with any questions.