
Senate Finance Hearing on Youth Residential Treatment

On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing, “Youth Residential Treatment Facilities: Examining Failures and Evaluating Solutions.” Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) opened the hearing by announcing the publication of a report, Warehouses of Neglect: How Taxpayers are Funding Systemic Abuse in Youth Residential Treatment Facilities. The Senate Finance Committee and Senate

CWLA Comments: Family First Hearing

On Wednesday, June 5, 2024, CWLA submitted comments for the record about the recent Senate Finance Committee hearing, “The Family First Prevention Services Act: Successes, Roadblocks, and Opportunities for Improvement.” From the comments: “While this legislation offers important advancements in child welfare policy, orienting Federal funding and attention toward the prevention of foster care, the

Senate Hearing About Family First Implementation

On May 22, 2024, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing, “The Family First Prevention Services Act: Successes, Roadblocks, and Opportunities for Improvement.” Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR), one of the original sponsors and champions of the legislation, opened the hearing with some of the history of the passage of the bipartisan Family First Prevention Services

Culture is Healing: Webinar

On Thursday, January 25, 2024, the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) conducted a webinar, “Culture is Healing: Removing Barriers from Culturally Responsive Services.” The panel provided a comprehensive discussion surrounding the necessity of culturally-informed and community-based supportive services for families and children of color that are often disproportionately underserved or inappropriately served.

CWLA Comments: Human Rights of Foster Children Hearing

On November 15, 2023, CWLA submitted comments for the record regarding the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on “The Human Rights of Foster Children.” From the testimony: “The National Blueprint states that children have rights to survival, protection, and participation in decision-making regarding their care. Several of the rights championed by CWLA are relevant to the

Advancing Equitable Outcomes in Child Welfare: A Toolkit for Sustainability

Lutheran Services in America hosted a webinar on November 1st to introduce their new toolkit entitled “Advancing Equitable Outcomes in Child Welfare”. Panelists Julie McCrae, a senior researcher from Chaplin Hall, Samantha Steinmetz, policy analyst from Chaplin Hall, and Renada Johnson, the Senior Director of Children, Youth, and Family Initiatives at LSA, presented. This toolkit

CTC and Racial Equity: An Analysis

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released a new report, Expanding the Child Tax Credit Would Advance Racial Equity in the Tax Code, on August 29, 2023, examining the Child Tax Credit under current law and the House expansion proposal, introduced by Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT). The report makes the following key findings: “Expanding

Poverty & Youth with Foster Care History

The Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison published an issue (Vol. 39, No. 1) titled "Youth with Foster Care Histories: Emancipation and Well-Being" in June 2023. The issue explores the complexities of foster care and addresses key areas related to the well-being of youth with foster care histories. The issue acknowledges

Childhood Adversity and Health Disparities

A new study in the American Journal of Psychiatry indicates that childhood adversity leaves a mark on the brain, changing regions that process stress and trauma. By analyzing MRI scans, researchers found small differences in certain brain structures that they believe could accumulate over time and lead to mental health problems later. Black children were

New Executive Order on Racial Equity

On February 16th, 2023, President Biden signed an Executive Order to support the advancement of racial equity and service to underserved communities, specifically in federal agencies. Ambassador Susan Rice, White House Domestic Policy Advisor, and Shalanda Young, Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, hosted a briefing on the content of the

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