CWLA has prioritized the need to address child neglect and has recently published the first of two volumes of Child Neglect, Inequity, and Poverty. This first volume addresses structural determinants of what is commonly identified as child neglect, how best to support families facing economic adversity, and how to promote racial equity in our child- and family-serving systems.

Building on this first volume, this is a call for chapters for a second volume, which will focus on intentional equity and the provision of concrete resources that address the material needs of families. This second volume will feature some of the practices and approaches that help to meet the concrete, material needs of families and promote healing and family well-being.

To that end, we invite you to consider contributing a book chapter that addresses ways that families who are reported or are at risk of being reported for neglect, and those who are struggling with poverty and economic and housing insecurity, are helped both by attention to their material needs, family healing, culturally restorative practices, and with an attention to racial justice.

This may include: helping families access key entitlements; mobilizing community resources through programs offered by Family, Community and Tribal Resource Centers; co-locating CPS with TANF and related programs; using culture to restore family well-being; or developing integrative practices in which behavioral health needs are addressed with primary attention to concrete supports. Some of our attention will focus on the ways in which Active Efforts through ICWA-related innovations might further advance more integrative practices and community-building activities.

Please send an abstract of up to 750 words describing your proposed chapter to and by August 31, 2023. The editors will provide input on the abstract. We are also asking authors to partner with practitioners and those with lived experience so that chapters embrace more voices and expanded views.

If your abstract is accepted, a chapter draft of 3,500-6,000 words, double spaced, written in APA 7th Style (for in-text citations, References list, and general style), is due to editor Rachel Adams ( by December 30, 2023. Please use person-first language (e.g., “child in foster care” instead of “foster child”) in your draft.

We value your interest in and look forward to your contribution to this important new publication. Please feel free to contact us with questions.

Priscilla Day and Katharine Briar-Lawson
Lead editors