Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting was developed with the intention of filling a need for families who are separating or have separated. Sometimes, even the best couples find themselves in a place where splitting up is a harsh reality. In many states, when filing for divorce or custody, mediation services and/or parenting classes are required. In researching for this curriculum, we discovered that many of these court-ordered courses were outdated, extremely academic, or lacking in real-world scenarios to which parents could relate. We decided to develop a foundational framework that includes an educational seminar, a Facilitator’s Guide, and a Companion Workbook designed for families to use in training and as resources for families who are co-parenting.

The curriculum provides lectures, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, group activities, and self-reflection and assessment tools. Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting can be a great resource for family courts, private agencies, therapists, life coaches, and counselors. The ABC Framework also can be modified and used for resource parents and for working with birth families, kinship relatives, and pre-adoptive or adoptive parents.

The Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting curriculum provides an opportunity to: recognize reasons why some relationships end; learn how these actions can impact children’s identity and self-esteem; and offer strength-based, solution-focused strategies and techniques to create consistency and support for all involved parties. This training is useful to birth parents, clinicians, agency staff, and resource/ kinship families.

CWLA offers two training and consultation options for Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting:

(1) CWLA staff come to your agency and work onsite with your employees.

(2) CWLA staff provide open enrollment training workshops around the country where agency staff come to learn Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting.

Both “agency-based training and consultation” and “open enrollment training” are provided by CWLA’s senior staff and consultants/trainers who have expertise in the Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting curriculum.

For information about CWLA consultation and training please contact: Marcus Stallworth, LMSW, Director, Training and Implementation or Gaelle Augustin, Training and Administration Associate.

The Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting Facilitator’s Guide and its Companion Workbook are available for purchase in the CWLA Bookstore.

Learn more about Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting with this on-demand webinar and blog post by author Marcus Stallworth, LMSW.