When and if Congress moves forward on a tax package late this year or next year one of the more vulnerable tax provisions is the Adoption Tax Credit. CWLA has been a longtime supporter of this tax credit which has taken on various forms and sizes over the past two decades. At times, it has been larger and for a period it was refundable. This meant more families adopting from foster care benefited since refundable credits assist lower income families like those that typically adopt special needs children from foster care.
There is an Adoption Tax Credit Committee that has been working for several months to develop strategies and outreach to best advocate to save the credit. The credit could be vulnerable if key members of Congress decided that a tax package should eliminate many tax incentives and deductions regardless of their impact.
As part of the campaign to convince Congress of the need for this tax credit, a new feature has been added to the Save the Adoption Tax Credit site. The website includes an act feature that allows people to communicate directly with Members of Congress. To make a video or send a message to your representative, simply click the “Take Action!” button link above.
Adoptive families can make a video/send a message by clicking “Take action now!”
Or families can make a video/send a message by going directly here
The current bill in front of the Senate is Senate Bill 937, available here
The current bill in front of the House is House Bill 2476, available here