The CWLA 2015 National Conference took place in Washington DC with over 60 workshops and additional super sessions, plenary speakers and recognition of various champions.  The Conference was also the setting for the official release of the 2015 CWLA Legislative Agenda. CWLA members went to Capitol Hill emphasizing three topics:  Protect Vital Human Services in the Budget and Appropriations Debate—Including the Social Services Block Grant which focuses on the budget and appropriations debate and it asks for special attention and protection to a key human service funding source, the Social Services Block Grant.  A second key point is Pass the Family-Based Foster Care Services Act, S.429/HR.835, legislation that would strengthen the use of therapeutic foster care services by providing a clear definition of that service in federal law and enhance the use of it.  Another health care issue that will also be a key priority for CWLA members is to Support the Proposal to Address the Over-Use of Psychotropic Medication for Children in Foster Care.  The President proposed budget repeats a request from last year that would enhance the coordination between state child welfare and state Medicaid programs through a series of incentives and grants to make improvements in both systems.